Beautifully scribed there Steve, exceptionally jealous as the British weather here turns from grey to greyer... Glad you're making friends kids! Keep up the blogs because I can (not quite) but almost picture myself there! x x x
Very nice update guys and didn't have to wait that long for it either! Well done! Assuming you're both loving every minute of it. Mssing you both back here. xxx
Hey gorgeous, no not you steve...although i have to say you would make a lovely lady boy!! So glad you are having fun, Holly your blog gave me a few minutes distraction from my life of exam hell!! It was bliss although i still think you are using a thesaurus or at the very least word of the day toilet paper. I havent left the house in 2 weeks and i am bored to death stuffing myself to obesity and your not even here to distract me for an hour at the first 2 exams went well though!! Keep up the blogging it reminds me there is life out there!! Lots of love xxx P.s I'm not jealous and i want to taste that thai cooking when you get back so remember!!! xx
Miss Nikki
Miss Holly...all I've got to say is that you should be a Travel Writer...that is your calling in life I'm sure!
Glad to hear that you guys are having fun and taking in the culture!
Safe travels, lots of love to you both xxx
wicked first blog! can't wait to get out there and experience it all!!! sooz and i are now leaving the uk in september so i doubt we'll have the asia meet up we talked about! oh well, keep enjoying yourselves and take care! we'll have to arrange a rutherford reunion in 6 months time & u can tell us everything xx
Reginald Hutch
meh, sounds like your not having as much fun as me, i literally spend the afternoon at work changing the colours and settings of microsoft media player only to reset it for being so god damn bored, anyway i'm truly jealous, if only i pulled the finger out sooner, want to say sounds like but i didnt hear it so will say reads like (is that proper english), so yeah...reads like your having a fantastic time, well gutted i wont taste your thai culinery skills and what was the miyagi joke or was it based on visuals, if so put a video up!! also steve you've always been my ladyboy, and on this basis i want to set a challenge, steve you have to pass yourself off as a ladyboy and see if you can make a extra buck or two. i'm missing you two too, didnt think i would (hee hee) but its just your so far away, anway stay safe, take care and i'll speak to you soon. xxxx
P.s these mathmatical problems are bloody easy, got any harder ones?
Miss Kelly
Hello Miss Holly & Lady Boy....ha ha ha (actually nearly wet myself when I read that, lol...Steve that is your official nickname from now!).
Glad you both arrived safely & sounds like you are have an amazing time already. Holly the way you describe things are magical, your first blog is great so I am expecting many more over the next 6 months missy!
Be safe guys & love you lots. Will email you soon to update you on what is happening here because obviously my life will be totally as exciting as yours right now :)
Speak soon. Lotsa love
your obviously having to much fun your not finding the time to blog! hurry up we are living a boring existence - remember! x
Dan, The Comedian...?
Steve, these are for you, use them wisely!
Why did the cow wear a bell?
- Because her horn didnt work
Why do cows lie down in the rain?
- To keep each udder dry...
What do you call a horse in pyjamas?
- A Zebra...
Els Again
Are you there yet? Shouldn't you be? And if you are, why haven't you blogged yet?! Yeah- keep that voice in your head Tunmer.
P.S- Dan- know what you mean about the maths- I had to get my calculator out.
Ryan (Big Bro )
hi there sis hope you got there ok hope it rains every day not! tell steve get your hair cut and have lots of fun you two we,ll miss you two like i miss the flu joking have fun
The Legend That Is Dan
damnit, i was gonna come on here and write "FIRST" like all the cool people that comment on stuff on the internet do but i'm already too late as 4 people have posted already... stupid early birds catching the worm and all that!
anyway, have a wicked time dudes... keep this up to date, i wanna see what you're up to while im sitting at home reassessing my life and womndering why im not travelling, whilst furiously m******** to offset the pain that you've caused by leaving me here.
also, i agree with Sophie - her blog names were better!lol!
Love you dudes, have an amazing time!
ps - whats with this sum thingy to post - what happens if you're crap at maths?! lol