Hello both! Hope your travelling is going well :) Second day back at PMS & absolutely exhausted....You wouldn't believe how manic it is! Lots of love,Laura xXxXxXx
Nose flute!!!
Hey Waffro!
Thanks so much for your kind message on my site! Am loving yours and it sounds like you're having an amazing time and experience. Glad you've found a boozer - can't imagine you (or I) going for 2 months without a drink! Hope you also get a bit of time out to sightsee some more with Em! HI EMILY BY THE WAY!!!
Will keep in touch xx
Love Lise xxxxx
Glad that Em's arrived safely and that you're obviously settling into the Tresillian-Indian lifestyle....Drinking,shopping & not too much work(I hope!)-Sounds ideal! Have a fantastic time with your travelling,can't wait to hear the next installment! Lots of love to you both! xXxXxXx
Hi Waffretta!
wow- sounds like you're having a fab time- can't wait to catch up on all the stories first-hand when we're all back together in Exeter.
Enjoy the rest of your travels, Love from Dee x
....just one amendment - you mentioned a box of soft red in one of your posts - i'm pretty sure its going to be more than one box knowing what it was like last year mixed with the fact that you have been off it for so long. If you want we can bulk buy it in advance. they may give us a discount.
Laura Xxx
Hi Waff! Just quick message to say I'm glad you're having such a fantastic time and looking forward to Em's visit! Great hearing all you've been up to! Lots of love,Laura xXxXx
Hiya darling!!!
So sorry I have been very slack and not been in contact. I do still love you very much and it sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm indeed jealous and really wish I'd saved up some money to come and see you! Grr me!
France was brill. Well into French of all varieties now (language, food, music, men!) Learnt loads about myself and feels loads more confident in my language abilities so am looking for a job using them and am thinking of going back to uni to do Occupational Therapy. Gonna try and do a days' shadowing in Bristol and take it from there. Might give your mum a call and see if I could shadow down in Devon. Feel like the work would make a difference and I could do it anywhere, plus it seems to go with my Support Worker job and I could do placements abroad! Anyway, enough of that, I'll keep you posted.
I'm realy glad you're having some great experiences. Living abroad is such an amazing thing and I can't wait to read your next installment! Well done for two weeks without booze! Did you have a choice though?
Love you like Nella loves her new puppies! (Knew she'd manage it!)
Gros bisous, Liebe Gruesse, Love always,
Amy xxx
your trip sounds amazing mate, feeling v jealous! how's the camera holding up? promise me you won't pawn it off for a couple of 3 pint pitchers! the trick with the guys who want photos taken with you is to pull the spaz-face just as they take it. and do people who have lost an arm just starve to death or have an eternally itchy arse?! have you been to see a bollywood film yet?
take care mate
an xxx
Tom Burden
Hey Waffy!!
All sounds awesome - glad you're having a great time - why are men picking on you - are they mad?!?!
Look after yourself
hey waff
dees address is
Hey honey,
Just finshed reading all your journals - bloody brilliant, I am well impressed. It sounds amazing, u are very lucky to be bale to see what life is truely like over there instead of the usual tourist route! Although eating with your hands - doesn't sound like fun to me!
Plus if you carry on like this we're have a new waffy return - one that doesn't drink, eats with her hands and believes only in truth, beauty, freedom and love . . . cant be having that!!!
Keep up the journels I'm loving every minute of them, although each one makes me even more jealous of you! and don't worry about the spelling - my sis is in Australia and hers is even worse - must be something about travelling - makes you forget how to spell!!!!