Enjoyed your blog and photos looked great! How was the Padi? Is Josh still with you or has he fallen off the face of the earth or been devoured by a lady boy? Look forward to reading the rest of your Thailand adventures. Love mum and dad 2. x x
Hello Jack
Great Blog and photos keep them coming speak soon
Hi ya Jack
How has the diving course gone?Not come across any man eaters? Hope you're still having a great time.Really jealous as the weather here is lousy and it's cold.Could do with your spare fleece!! Keep having fun.Ring when you can.
Loads and loads of love Mum xxxx
Mum And Dad 2
Hi Jack,
Hope you are enjoying your Padi course and still having a brill time. Wish we were in warm weather.... dull and cold here. Keep on enjoying the cheap beer. Love mum and dad 2 x x
Happy New Year Squidge
Hope you have a brill New Year.Don't do anything I wouldn't do!! Enjoy yourself.
Loads of love Mum xxxxxx
Hi Jack
Love Dad xx
Mum And Dad 2
Hi Jack,
Have a very Happy New Year,
Love from mum and dad 2 . x x
Hi Jack
Great to hear and see you yesterday keep updating your blog speak soon
Love Dad
Merry Christmas Jack
So good to see you this morning and have the chance to catch up on your trip.You both look so well and it sounds amazing the trip so far Keep enjoying yourselves and love the t shirts. Good buy but you should have bartered.
Love to hear from you soon.Lots of love Mum xxxxxxx
Uncle Steve
i love you! miss u, i just trumped jack. your my protigee and i will make sure you get every sti there is
Mum And Dad 2
Merry Christmas son number 2!!!
was so nice to hear your voices and see u today and glad you've had a nice xmas!
Love mum and dad 2 x x
Merry Christmas Sunshine Have a great day! hopefully we will speak tomorrow.