Hi Little Vik, sorry not sent a message for a while....am checking your website though to see what you're up to. Glad to hear you're still having such a good time and that you've extended your trip a bit, can't say I blame you. No news here, Mike Baldwin dies in Corrie this week (thought you might be interested to hear that, not). We're off to the Lakes for Easter and then the IoW for bank holiday, see you're not the only globe trotter ha ha. Take care Sam x
Hi ya Vickster! Nice to hear another update from you. Did you actually write it from the Whitsundays? You didn't mention them in your postcard but it says that's where you are. Sorry to hear you aren't having quite such nice weather (I feel so sorry for you - not!!). Hope you enjoyed Airlie Beach and round that area - nice to think i can actually picture where you are for once! All well here. Bump still growing and moving a lot! Am due 7 weeks today! Anyway keep enjoying your travels and take care of yourself. Love S & S xxxxxx
Hey up chick!! At last I've got round to catching up on your travels, looks like your having a fab time, you lucky thing!! Kim's keeping me up to date with all your gossip, although havn't really seen her much since she got back, we need a night in with wine!! Hope all is still going well, have you done any dancing with snorkels yet? If not why not?!!! Things are still fine this end. Take care and enjoy, lots of love Kathryn x x x x
Sara & Steve
Hi Vick, Good to catch up with what you ahve been doing. Hope you are surviving ok on your own now. Have fun in Singapore - Steve and I really liked it when we were there - amke sure you try a Singapore sling or 2!! Send me an email sometime! Looks like you had loads of fun with Kim. Your tan is looking gorgeous by the way! You Sun Bum!! All well here apart from heavy snow this week which is really yuk - as you know it's my favourite weather - not! Take care and write again soon. Love Sara xxxx
oops, sorry just getting hang of this. Good to hear from you at last Little Vik, was worried you had actually just gone awol in Notiingham...It looks amazing, pleased you are having a fantastic time. Paul looks rather nice too, is there anything you want to tell us....Cold, wet and windy here....
Hi Vic looks rubbish out there come back to work :-) So where are you fitting all those clothes,shoes etc.. is your rucksack a TARDIS or what? . I see you've calmed down the drinking since you left Notts - hardly a glass in sight :-) ..Any vodka left in Thailand or have all supplies been strangely depleted?? Hope you're having a fab time take care xxxxx
Little Sister
Hi sis looks like all you do is get drunk hmmm! Heard about your ferry trip best keep your feet on dry land from now on haha!. Look after you self xxxxx
Hi Vicky
Don't know why your email bounced but just been looking at your photos via Steve. Looks fab and sounds like you're having fun. Keep 'em coming.
Ladyboys ?
hi vic
hope you are still enjoying yourself and enjoying your birthday in great location. should be one to remember. anyway happy birthday.
Vic Fisher
Hi Vicky, Just trying out your website. Hope you had a happy birthday. We were thinking of you.Seems as though you are having a wonderful time. Youv'e gone to places that I havn't now. Take care Love Nan & grandad