In complete contrast to my mother's message, I say put the lot on black, no one likes a cautious mary. i'm joking obviously. make sure you have enough money for the alcatraz gift shop. see you thursday xx
Hi you two just read Andy's blog on Las Vegas you know I'm worried now don't you about how much money is going on those slot machines. Andy you'll have to be tougher on Verity!!
It all sounds so amazing and I know you are having a wonderful time. Love you both.
Love Mumxxxxxx
Ferg And Ben
Yo yo yo to you both - Sounds like you are having an amazing time already and hopefully Mandy fever has hit the States already. In fact seeing as you are meeting so many celebs, perhaps you could try and bump into Barry Mannilow and get him to sing Mandy in honour of the drink.
Seriously though, glad you're having a good time and keep the blogs and photos coming!!!
Clare & Nabby
Dear Gibbo & V's
Interesting that only PJ felt the need to commnent on the size of the sandwich! I've just had a call from Wendy to say he has gone AWOL so expect him any minute!
Just got Clare a treat with "Andy met Samuel L" with the photo up on the screen.... brilliant!
Keep us updated with travels and take care
James And Max
hi hows the holiday going!!! did you like new york because we've been there nice isnt it. hope you have a great time on your holiday. see you at xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from max
hi are you having a good time? empire state is awsome aint it
good luck with the rest of the trip hope you have a good time in vegas. be careful of how much you drink because you could wake up married with elvis as your vicar
actully you should do that it would be the funniest wedding video ever :P anyway have a good time see you at christmas
from james
Georgina Parker
hi verity and andy
how are you? and how is your trip away? Connie is 5 on Connie is having a party at nans.And we are at nans now. I went horse riding this morning, I can now get on a pony while he is walking!
see you at christmas
love georgina x
Mike Oxlong
Hi Friendos, sounds like you are having a top time there in the desert! make sure you save some money for the rest of the trip...only another 5 months Verity. Listen the Rugby League world cup is on when you get to Oz and we were wondering if you would like to see a game, England v NZ in Newcastle? E-mail me and let me know if your interested (Glad everyone else can read this)
Jii & Chris
Hi Darlings, sounds wonderful, can't wait for the photo's, keep laughing, at you Verity camping, how is your hair. Everyone here is good, went out with mum,dad and the gang last night, great evening, it was a war and peace night, we dance all night. Have a great time in Las/V and Verity keep off the tables or you will be craping if you lose your money. continue haveing a great time. Love Jill & Chris xxx
Hey guys, I hope you are having a fantastic time and getting excited about the gig tomorrow night!!! I'm so jealous that you got to meet Whoopie (is that how you spell it?) as in whoopie cushion?! How are you guys getting on with spreading your Mandy love accross the globe?? Lots of love Erin & Jim x
Since I hadn't said it in person yet CONGRATULATIONS! You are making me extremely jealous. And what's worse is, it seems that every time I ever see you and say I am about to go somewhere or do something, you have always done it first! I was in the car coming back from my holiday in venice with a friend (got fed up waiting for a man to take me) when mum and dad said, oh yes, Verity just came back from there last weekend, she got engaged there. Well. I was not amused I can tell you! But well done. Hope you have a fantastic time you amazing lady. BIG KISS. x Zoe
Great pictures of New York, well the inside of that Wax Museum!! How many of those sandwiches did you order Andy? or did you just order some frankfurters, beans and waffles to go with it...... weather is heating up here so its going to be scoiling by the time you get here...its over 20 degrees today and its winter. Cant wait til you get here. Keep the blogs updated you lazy s***s...get out of bed verity and post some news
Jii & Chris
Hi Darlings, hope you are enjoying Las Vegas, have you been gambling yet? is the weather kind to you there, it is lovely here at the moment. Lorna and Ailson took part in a charity run on Sunday at Blackheath, they done really well, we had a lovely time plenty of champers when they finish and a good time was had by all. Keep well, and keep having a brillant time. Love Jillxx