we had look at stinka trail wow looks great hope your asthma was ok at that altitude andy!the hats look great too scenery ,well cant wait till your home and here all about it but mostly to see ya both miss you loads (OH YEA WHY WOULD YOU NO ABOUT PRISON ANDY...I READ NABBY'S NOTE???) MISS YA AND LOVE YA LOADS MUMRA & FARTER
Ferg & Ben
Hi you two,
Inca trail looked pretty different to the bright lights of the USofA. In fact Vel, I think I noticed your enthusiasm waning as the photos went on! Not enough celebs in Peru!
I agree with Clare, you were sorely missed in Edinburgh, there was a 17 girl b**** fight over a My Little Pony which I know you would've loved.
Time is going so fast, so keep smiling, drinking and can we have a blog soon please......
Wow, inca trail looked amazing. Hope you're both well...where to next? Miss you both loads.
Thanks so much for the on-line birthday greeting card! Ingenious idea.
Today is my first day back in the office after a couple of weeks off, which included Erin's hen!! We had a truly fab time although your absence was noted Vel and dressing up as naughty school girls on Saturday night just wasn't the same without you with us :( 'Stuck in the middle' was played in the club on Saturday night and we gyrated in your honour!!!!
Photos look fantastic and seems like you are still having an amazing time. It's going by so quickly tho so enjoy every second.
Hopefuly you got my text abt NYE - it's sorted and we're all together and going to be great. Check your gmail for more info.
Lots of love to you both. Stay safe
Bloody Brillant verity - sunburn face and not looking impressed camping! Great laugh...
your trip looked awesome- great scenery! gotta go imy needs more food - bloody jones and there love for food
HI V & A Just seen your Inca trail photos, wow they are really good,what fantastic memories you will have. Waiting for the blog on that one!!
Love you both Mumxxxxx
Jill & Chris
Just got your latest photo's they are, I think the best one's yet, what fun you must have had, and how we envey you both, so interesting, can wait to hear all about it, keep having a great time. love Jill & Chris xx
Photos look great! I'm thinking of setting up my own blog and posting photos of Feltham everyday.... nice place FC#3!
Intersting to hear Andys thoughts on the prison but then again he has some experience on the matter.
Looking forward the hearing about south american adventures and V's legendary 'mixing' with local wildlife! Take care chums and i look forward about hearing about escapades on Ray Mears!
Nabby, Clare & Evie
Caroline & Dave
Hey guys
Wow!! Just been catching up on your pics (now i'm officially a lady of leisure on maternity leave hurrah!!) all looks fantastic.
All good here busy trying to get the house ready for the new arrival - not long now only 3 weeks OMG! we'll keep you informed.
Take care both of you.
Lot's of love
Cazza and Dave x x
Jii & Chris
Hi Darlin's
How is every going, I think by now you have finish, your camping, and in a nice hotel some where. Saw mum & dad on Wednesday, they both are well, they soon will be going back, so we will miss them.
The weather here is shocking, I have never seen so much rain, poor Melaney, she has gone to the Isle or White for a music festival, Jo Gibbens has gone too, as well Jean Blackwell daughter has gone, and from the T.V news it looks awful. Keep having a great time.
Lots of love Jill & Chris xxx
Hey guys,
Kiran & i were just catching up on your blog so thought i'd say hi! Hope the trip is going well and you're both having a fab time. Even now whist i guess you are 'roughing' it on the Inca trail.
V, i hope you had a wicked birthday and were spoilt rotten :) What memories for that bdat heh!
Right i'm off to sit and watch the rain outside the window..... mmmm not jealous at all.
Take care travellers x
Annette Curtain
Hope you survived the trail of the ancient south americans and that Andy you didn't spend all night checking the tent for spiders. Looking forward to seeing the festering photos of the two of you having not showered for a few days...I hope that you took loads of wonderful awe inspiring photos of the aeshetic surroundings so that you can show us when you get to Oz. All is good here and looking forward to seeing you both.
Thanks for having me buddy!!
PS: Imogen would send you a message but she hasn't learnt to type yet.