We arrived in Magnetic Island in the evening and thanks to our less then organised travelling methods we booked our hostel too late and were going to have to spend our first night in seperate rooms! Thankfully when we were making our way to our rooms we saw a few people that we had met in Cairns and some of our fellow Oz Experience bus riders and soon relaxed knowing we would have good company for our first night.
The next morning (after a less then peaceful nights sleep without our travel companions) we were up bright and early to claim our FREE brekkie before moving rooms so the two of us were reunited once again. We spent the day relaxing at our hostel which overlooked the sea and had some amazing views. In the afternoon we went for a walk to the local shop to buy ingrediants for the curry we were craving and planned to cook that evening. Feeling rather proud of oursleves and maybe a bit too optmistic we headed for the kitchen (which you could barely move in and had about 8 hot plates and 3 saucepans). Our first mistake was thinking we could improvise when making our rice and ended up with a very soggy porridge-like substance which required alot of scrubbing to get it out of the pan. Our sauce was no better and was more of a paste then anything Waitrose would offer us. After a few mouthfuls we decided that the only thing our 'curry' was good for was feeding the possums running around the place. After our disasterous attempt at cooking we headed to the bar to get some real food only to discover that they closed at 8pm and spent the rest of the evening feeling a bit sorry for ourselves.
When booking our hostel we got an hours free kayaking and decided to go for a paddle infront of the hostel. It took us most of hour to figure out how to get into our kayak without capsizing - which we did more than once - as Britt tried to less than gracefully clamber in causing the two of us to land face first in the sea sending flip flops and sunglasses flying. Once we were off we kayaked along the coastline and got some good views of the smaller bays on the island.
We also got free snorkel gear hire with our booking and decide to brave the 'stingers'. After our dive in the Great Barrier Reef the coral wasnt anything spectacular but we got to see alot of fish we hadnt seen and a school of fish got quite close to us which was pretty amazing.
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