So glad you're having such a nice time :) You both deserve it!!!
Enjoy your stay in London and have a fantastic trip around Europe.
Love you xxx
PS Kids are loving the pics you're putting up. We miss you!!
Lynne And Bruce
You guys a just having a wonder time, wish we were with you but this is certainly almost as good. Cheers for the birthday big fella and a very happy anniversary. All is OK down this part of the world. Stay safe and so looking forward to catching up with you when you return.
Glad you are both enjoying yourselves,will keep watching for more photo's. (Uncle Colin looks more and more like Grandad)
Can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Happy belated Birthday and Anniversary
We wish you both a brilliant ANNIVERSARY,and hope you have a memorable day. Also---happy birthday Benj.
hey there you two, looks like you are having a wonderful time - keep it up... cannot wait to hear more stories of behind the photos but am enjoying them nonetheless.. love you and hope that you are staying safe.
Hey you 2 - sounds like you are just enjoying yourselves a little bit too much - NOT!! Keep it coming - feel like we are there with you - its like we are having a holiday too!! Photos are fantastic - its going to take you years to scrap all them! Weather seems great - photos with no jumpers on - I'm impressed! Look forward to next update! X
Hmmm....that stone wall fettish sounds scarily like your boab tree obsession...:D
By the sounds of it you're both going to come home having lost those unwanted kilo's lol. You're meant to go on holidays and gain weight - seems to be the tradition (with me anyway haha) but with all those hilly walks and flights of stairs i'll be surprised if u dont fade away.
Hope your finger is better.
Khadija wants you to make sure you get a photo of the Loch Ness Monster she has heard about hahaha. No pressure or anything 'just make sure you get ATLEAST one photo' pmsl.
Have a good time at the Lake.
Was so good talking and seeing you both on Skype the other night. We will have to do that more often when you get home as well so you can see the rug rats, and Me and K of course!! hehe.
I'm still sick but wanted to have a read of your blog and see the pics. Sounds like your having a wonderful time, minus some stair walking hahahaa.
Love you lots xxx
Brother Mike
see Colins e-mail for info re LEASING a car for your holiday.It could save you money.Go safeley. mike/jan
Hey again, glad to hear you had a nice weekend. Wow at the sun setting at 10pm ... how awesome, i'd love that!! What time does it rise in the morning? All is well here, sent off my paperwork to book in to Logan Hospital and am off to have a scan next week (hopefully can get in on Monday so khalid can come and see baby too!) We miss you heaps xxx