Loving your blogs. It sounds like your having a great time, although I think you may need to buy another backpack for all that shopping!!!
I want to go to Thailand and try some of that Red Bull!!
Hope your coping with the birds ok!! Looking forward to the next entry.
Take care
Hi Vic, that's more like it - getting down with the kids in Ko PiPi!!
You're looking great but I don't think all that meditating lark's very good for you better of with buckets of booze any day. It's a pitty you've not managed to make many new firends though!!!!
Very jealous of all that sea,sand and everything else....
Keep enjoying
hey Vic - cool to hear what you are up to sounds great - and had to laugh at you sitting crossed legged for any length of time in addition to not talking - OMG. When I have some time will look at all your great photos - of let me think you drinking! (It really is the best way to meet people). Well good luck for the next leg. Kx
You silent! I will run a book: any takers?
I say 2 hours...
hi Victoria mum again getting good at this traveling r u not kieran and i were looking at ur photos they r amazing house is so quiet without any Victoria moments ! Morry is following my reports of ur travels in between flicking the remote control of the TV papa likes to keep informed as well luv mum xxxxxxxx
Hey Vicalicious
Hehe you're blogs totally crack me up, I can totally hear you reading them out! Have you managed to find anywhere that sells those tacky American mags? Can't believe you got tan lines, YOU!!! Lol, great to hear you're having a fantalistic time and look forward to reading the next part of your adventures!
Take care
Hi Vic,
Yes its Ali blogging, wonders will never cease. Great to hear all your chat and so pleased your getting on fine and already in Thailand. We all missing you here, and not a day goes by without the Vic chat, in fact we've got news that will make you kick yourself, but we need to email that to you! Sounds like your bday was great and now that you're so old I'm happy you managed to find some wrinklies to celebrate with!!
Remember a high SPF to protect that mature skin!!!!!
Keep safe
Ali x
Keep safe
Check your e-mail account at hotmail I have left you a message?
Hey Vic, the photo's are great!
what is it with the animals?!! protect yourself from monkeys (should have one of them here on a saturday night)!
Mum & Dad are glad you visited the Peak, at least they'll have someone to talk to about it now!
have you had anything weird to eat yet? Dad had DuckTongues (and had diahorrea for 2days ha ha) so steer clear of them ;)
k x
Hi Vic, Belated Happy Birthday - how could i possibly forget to wish my twinnie all the best durrrr!!!!! Can't believe you are in Thailand already and really hope you are having a ball. Thanks for posting the pics of Hong Kong and look forward to hearing more about your adventures xxx
Happy belated birthday for yesterday, it sounds like you had a ball. How long are you planning to stay in Hong Kong? x
hi babe happy birthday ur first one away hope u treat ur self today u deserve it we will eat ur cake and think about u uncle allan phoned and said u had moved on have u let us no again happy birthday well done and enjoy the rest of ur day i hope ur proud of urself because i am very proud of u morry sends his love 2 love u