Working on the Tan now were in Aus but its raining today!!
As long as Jackys not away then the 22nd is fine with me but i think she might be so just double check ?
Do you know if Sam has booked his CHEAP flights for the wedding yet ? and is your cous going with him ?
Did you get my message about the charger ? If you did please could you try and get it to John the gas mans when you go past to the GYM next time so he can give it back to brannny. Also could you tell John if you see him that the charger is knackered.
Si & Debbs
Phil The Materials Controller
Hey up guys, hope your having a good time and have a tan, now your in Oz.
Can't believe it's going so fast, it'll soon be our turn. Going to boring old Spain on the 11th Oct.
Should I arrange for us to go to Kenburns on Mon 22nd Oct?
Surfs Up,
Hey Whittakers
Hope all is well. How is Ben getting on a school? have you checked on our house recently? You got any plans for yours and Dads Birthday? We will be in Gold Coast then. What shall we bring back for Hol and Ben, need some ideas
Take Care, see you soon
Hey WoodenToyStore
Hope you not working too hard. Has Nola had the baby yet? Queenstown was fab, hopefully will up load so more photos soon.
Cant believe we been here 17 days already, time flys
See you soon
Hi Luice, Ste and Soph
Thanks for your message glad the here you both enjoying your jobs. 7th Nov, that we come round so fast, do you know who is moving into yours yet? Cant believe Soph and Ben are going to school thats mad! How are things in Silverdale? Still sunny? We just at the airport in Queenstown at the moment, not had internet for ages so not managed to up load more photos yet. Hopefully be able to when we get to Auz.
Anyway got to go and catch a flight speak soon
Take care
Now then Grey! Glad to hear the stag do was a success.Go on the cheap flights! Can you do me a favour, next time you go to the gym can you drop that charger off at john the gas mans to give back to branny ? I think billy fleetwood has it in his cabin.Cheers. In queenstown at the moment, just about to fly to Auckland for one night then flying to brisbane tomorrow. Dont work to hard! Ha Ha Ha!! Take it easy.
Phil The Grey
Hey up,
Stag do was excellent, didn't stagger in till nearly 4a.m. urrrrrrr. Let's hope the wedding is as good!! Flights are down to £85.00 for 2 now, I'm gutted!!!!
Like the Photos, though these two people keep jumping in and spoiling them??? Only joking.
Hope the weather only improves for you from now on. Seen as you'vre missed the best here. hehe.
Catch up soon,
Overworked Fordster
Lucie, Ste And Soph
Hi Guys!!!!!!!!
I've finally managed to get on to this site. It wasn't working yesterday. It all looks amazing where you are at the moment. I can't believe what happened in Dubai! There are some dodgy geezers around!
All is great here. The sun is shining every day at the moment and i think i have actually caught a bit of a tan..HURRAH! Ste is loving the job at the powerstation, especially fridays when he finishes earlier.
I'm really enjoying myself working at the toy store too. I was there today as you can see from Gill's message. I'm doing some cleaning there too which of course i enjoy! Soph is at big school now in the afternoons and loving it.
Gutted the flat out the other day so it is now ready for the electrician etc to go in and then we can start decorating and putting carpets in. It feels like it is going to take forever at the moment! Think our moving out day from the house is hopefully 7th November.
Any way my dears, keep in touch and i'll keep checking the site.
Gill & Lucie
Hi to you both
Pictures look great carry on having a great time, the weather here is Sunny and Hot !!!!
We will check in again soon
Luv Gill and Lucie (at work)
Debbs And Si
Hi Mum and Kaz
Thanks for your message. We went to Napier and really didnt like it. It was full off boy racers driving round and round. Not sure if that was just cause it was weekend, but it was a knightmare! The place itself was ok, not as good as it looks in the books though hardly any bars or restaurants. Say hi to Holly and Ben for us, spoke briefly to Hol on Sunday whilat we were on the Cook Straights. Good to here Ben enjoying school. Glad to here you got good weather, typical!. Just going to update blog now, about what we been up to. Hope house is ok ??? Can you please keep an eye on this week as no-one else can. Take care xxx PS Has dad sold our car yet???
Mum And Kaz
Hi there Cliffords!!!
WOW you sound like you are having a fab time, we are all really really jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture are great, keep them coming!!!! Things here are still the same....Ben started school the other day and loves it!!
Please do visit Napier, it is supposed to be AMAZING!!!
Hope the weather is okay and not to cold.
Mum is here at the moment, so we are about to go and check on your house, if its not there, we will let you know!!!
WELLLL we are now getting our summer, the weather has been really really hot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to go, at mum is falling asleep!!!! as usually.............
take care, miss you both
Now then fordster, Happy 30th Birthday! Go on the Grey hair. Were having a whale of a time here in NZ. Went on a Jet Boat yesterday in Taupo which spun around 360 degrees! Amazing. Look out for the pics which will be on here soon.