I was in Berlin and 1990 right after the wall came down and it was deserted. Hardly anyone was walking around, except for us and a couple of other tourists. All of the churches were turned into museums with minimal art. (At least the didn't blow them up.) It seems to have come a looooooong way since then. Enjoying your updates, guys! Love the wigs. Halloween is just around the corner, maybe you can borrow them!
peggy/mary I was in Berlin and 1990 right after the wall came down and it was deserted. Hardly anyone was walking around, except for us and a couple of other tourists. All of the churches were turned into museums with minimal art. (At least the didn't blow them up.) It seems to have come a looooooong way since then. Enjoying your updates, guys! Love the wigs. Halloween is just around the corner, maybe you can borrow them!