Photo 167 of 185
19 September 2012 - The Backward Logsman's Tip of the Day
When you've got a big log on the ground, its worth doing 90% of the cut in situ, all along the length of the log. That way, its all still linked together and nice and stable, while you apply the chain saw. Then you roll it over (with ropes if necessary) and finish off the job. A further tip, when sawing close to the ground pay extra care to not touch the soil with the saw, as this is a sure fire way to blunt it, pronto.
- comments
M In my most recent sawing escapade, I went through 3 chains. The wood had been dredged from the river and there were concealed stones. It was very galling, since hitting a stone or wire ruins the chain. At 35 euros a pop, it was very annoying; it was even more annoying to be paying help by the hour while I was in the shop having a chain made up. I would endorse Backpassagelogsman's approach here. Some problems arise when the chain starts to get blunt; the cuts become eliptical and the second cut after the rollover can be frustrating.
JJ Totally concur with the potential problem at rollover stage. It may be difficult but best efforts should going into keeping cut one as straight as poss, otherwise misalignment can cause all sorts of issues.
M Yes. Issues are terrible.