We engaged with a fisherman on this stretch of the Kennet & Avon canal, who explained that those rods you can see are actually called "Roach Poles". Basically, the 20ft, lightweight pole, gives the angler the ability to reach far into areas of the waterway where it is suspected that prize fish lurk. In all honesty, our questioning of the fisherman was not easy task, he never looked at us once . I've attempted this kind of dialogue before - but, I can tell you, fishermen aren't interested in banter with passing ramblers. In fact, it is evident that all they want is to be left in peace. They've come fishing to get away from their wives and children and, clearly, the rest of humanity as well. Interestingly, there are credible stats that tell us that this solitary and seemingly pointless sport is actually the most popular sport in Britain, when measured by participating numbers - now, what does that tell us about our nation?
- comments
M We host quite large numbers of these gents in various parts of Ireland. It's a complete mystery to the locals. They can understand a bit of trout/salmon fishing...but this business of sitting in a trance-like state for hours reeling in inedible fish that get caught most's unfathomable
JJ I think the answer to the mystery, and, of course I do describe it as "seemingly pointless" is that the anglers have no interest in the sport - its merely a way of disguising a quest for solitude. In fact, since life itself is absurd, engaging in an absurd diversion such as fishing is merely swapping a green gecko for a purple turtle.