For some reason, when learning Latin vocabulary at school, we always had to say the answer using two "cases" of the word. I cannot say why, but, to this day, certain English words automatically cause me to recall the Latin, in, of course, the two cases. One of these is “mouse” and whenever I think of mouse, or need to say “mouse”, I say the Latin, which is mus, muris. I cannot explain this minor OCD behavior, but I use it to introduce this picture of a mouse because when I took it, I naturally thought “Oh yeah, here’s a mus muris”. This particular mouse regularly patrols the floors of a very good cafe in High Holborn each night, after it closes. I know this because this mouse, or its relative, has been seen many times. It feasts on the crumbs of the fabulous pastries which the cafe serves. I suppose this activity is a health hazard, but old "mus, muris", poor soul, is just trying to eek out a living, like the rest of us.
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