Photo 10 of 106
02 June 2012 - Cycling Free As Birds On A Beautiful Day
Hiring bikes, we headed West out of St Helier, along the coast, literally, cycling on the hard sands at low tide. The castle in the background is called Elizabeth Castle, famed for harboring Charles II whilst he was exiled from the mainland in 1640 something. Jersey has a tradition of loyalty to it's monarch, going right back to William The Conqueror. William reigned over Jersey before 1066, when it was part of his Normandy Dukedom. When he took over Britain in 1066, they just stayed with him. Then, their allegiance remained with Britain when Normandy was lost by the British to the French in 12 something and they've been aligned to the UK ever since (despite retaining a strange attachment to French nomenclature).
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