Its fascinating what's real and what's not. In my view, there's no absolute position on this - there's my reality and there's your reality and I can't see why both shouldn't simply co-exist. So, in someone's world, 911 was some covert US government operation, global warming is a hoax, as was the moon landings, and, of course, Elvis is still alive. In fact, this very day I saw the King himself smoking a Havana cigar outside of the cigar shop in Windsor - its a poor shot (taken covertly) but he's definitely there, leaning against the wall. I can report that his voice also sounded just like the King (he was making a long call on his mobile, and I could overhear his distinct Southern drawl). Interestingly, I think Elvis could actually get away with it - the fake death and all that - although people were staring, no-one tried to arrest him, or shout "Look! He's here!". For the record, my own favourite was his first hit "Heartbreak Hotel" followed by "Always On My Mind", although, quite frankly, I'm not that fussed about the rest.
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