When a lot of people proclaim a belief in something, one might be tempted to think that there must be some merit to it. However, that is yet another example of a logical fallacy, since it is obviously possible that millions of people are wrong. That notwithstanding, I went to Church on this holiest of holy days in the Christian calendar just to see whether I might pick up on some vibe, or get some notion of what this thing was all about. Sadly, the answer was no. Nothing, nada. I am afraid this whole thing remains one of the great mysteries of humanity; why would anyone believe, or even want to believe in such an arcane, or dare I say, even bizarre, credo. The priest made a great deal out of the “fact” that the protagonist had risen from the dead, providing irrefutable evidence of his divinity. The same priest even tried to score a few cheap points by noting that none of the other key personalities of the various other big religions like Buddhism, Islam, Judaism or Hinduism could boast the ability to cheat death. “Big deal”, I thought. Even though, in any event, it seems incredibly unlikely that a resurrection really occurred, if it did, so what? For me, the ability of modern day medicine to increase people’s life spans is far more amazing and far more worthy of recognition than the wholly dubious stunt of coming back to life for a few days, or, for that matter, the random ability to conjure up wine from water, great feasts from scraps of fish or the fixing of an individual’s blindness with the wave of a hand. As many have noted, these indiscriminate acts of showmanship do seem so very self indulgent, when the obvious thing to do with such powers would be to sort out all of humanity’s problems, for all time, in one fell swoop. As I walked out of the Church, I considered this inequitable approach to the distribution of favours and I’m glad to say I not only remained in awe of the progress mankind has been able to make based on sound science and tireless efforts to understand the REAL reason things are as they are, I similarly remained entirely ambivalent to the boastings of the priest about this mythical figure from long ago who “died for our sins”, especially since I really have no idea what on earth that phrase actually means.
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