Tuaca Tour
Mui Ne! Arrived at 2am after missing my 3pm bus because Mr Bingh made me drink more Snake Wine. Still, checked into bungalow which was right on the beach and immediately felt at home. Went straight down to sit on the beach, was a great feeling with the sand under my feet, the sound of the waves and the sight of millions of stars. I loved Mui Ne, was a fantastic place. So chilled, lovely beach, great seafood, Kite Surfing and the sand dunes........
So, caught up with Sophie and Philippa again, met some Estonian dudes, another 3 people from Brighton, an American guy, (Spencer), and various other people. Had a few Kite Surfing lessons, (got the hang of it now - almost managed my first water start, got up twice - the first time I face planted - too much power - the second time I ended up on my arse again - not enough power - still, at least I've had the board on my feet now and the Kite is my b****, no longer scared of it......). My final lesson was cancelled as the wind was no good so will have to wait until Brazil to finish up. Oh, and not to worry anybody at all but another beginner wrapped his kite around mine, he pulled his safety and I was left being dragged to Australia by two kites. Thought I could get it under control so only pulled my first release. Almost managed it! My instructor managed to grab my kite and the other instructor grabbed the other and 15 minutes later we made it to shore. I was pretty pumped up so strolled out of the sea with my shorts halfway down my legs. Didn't realize until I noticed a bit of a chill.............
Spencer and I rented a couple of mopeds and whizzed along the coast. Checked out the fishing village where there was a serious Armada of boats. I've never seen so many, all shapes and sizes. Now we knew what all the lights were at night - it wasn't a city on the horizon....... We also found a stunning beach and checked out the red sand dunes, (Tattooine anyone?). Was awesome, despite the kids following us around, ('I take photo Mister', 'You want to slide Mister' - in the end we had to tell them to go away after they had followed us for what seemed like miles, felt really bad as they were pretty cute, especially when one girl said, "OK, thank you Mister"...... Think my camera might be bust now though as the wind whipped the sand into a frenzy and taking one photo was enough to get a tonne of the stuff into the mechanism.
Ended up giving a couple of Vietnamese guys a lift on the back of our bikes since they had run out of gas. We got some funny looks riding into the fishing Village with these guys on the bike of our bikes. Normally it's the Farangs on the back of their bikes......
Had a pretty chilled time in Mui Ne and would of stayed to do some more Kite Surfing and to soak up the sun but needed to move on, especially since the wind was not going to be good for a couple of days and Xmas was approaching. Ha Long Bay here we come! Am a little concerned though since around halfway up Vietnam, the weather changes, (around the mountains in the Central Highlands). Apparently the South is amazing in December but the North is cold and wet. So, for those of you hating me spare a thought.........
Not much else to report - nobody wants to join me in the Snake Wine, 'me bird' was pretty boring and didn't leave the Bungalow, (think it was too windy and too sunny, and maybe still recovering after the 'shooting range' incident......), my hair really is that big now, (clippers broken without even being used so beard and hair coming along nicely thanks), and everything seemed to be going very well, almost too well, something was going to give I reckon..............................
- comments
marion hey there!!! so nic eto hear from you and your whereabouts. i finally had the time to see all your pictures and catch up with your blogs after lunatic weeks in copenhagen. now i've got one month to go myself and i'm freaking out a bit. but when ai read about your adventures i know it's all right, all good and that i'm ready. big hug and look after yourself, mister hairy, eh? we want you back in one piece
Shona Ha ha! I'm not jealous at all. Personally I am loving the cold and snow..... especially when it appears to, yet again, catch the council off guard and takes me 5 hours to drive home to Nottingham! Will be in touch about Argentina - I loved it. Make sure you do the Mendoza wine tour on bikes! Mr Hugos is, by all accounts, the best! Have fun!