Hola, (tambien!)......
Quick post to update you all on Iguazu Falls. Seriously amazing. I know some of you have seen them, now I have and can totally emphasize - what a truly incredible place. I'm wracking my brains to think if I have ever seen anything that comes close to how utterly increadible the place is.
So, we juggled our plans around since the weather in BA was terrible and decided to do the 18 hour bus to Puerto Iguazu where it would be sunny and hot, leaving the biblical thunderstorms of BA well to our South, (about twice the length of Great Britain to the South to be exact). And man oh man was it hot. Stupidly so. Our hostel was interesting, quite the ramshackle place booked at the last minute but at least we had air-con and a swimming pool; although the thin, oily film floating on the surface and the inability to see the bottom was a trifle disconcerting...... It had character though and seemed a cooler place to stay than the "backpacker does Iguazu" conveyor belt that was the Hostel Inn place on the edge of town.
Anyways, after an evening of attempting to speak Spanish with the guys who run the hostel it was time to follow the hordes to the Falls. I can't really describe the whole 2 day experience, (yes - 2 days..... Who would of thought you needed 2 full days to see a waterfall but you do). There is so much to take in, it's a positive smorgasboard for the eyes. Most of the time it doesn't even look real it's so impressive. The first thing that hits you, (after the heat), is the noise. Such tremendous noise which is in total contrast to the calm and peace of the river as it unknowingly meanders it's way to the sheer drop of the Devils Throat. Then it's the mist, which is bloody lovely and cooling whilst also adding to the impression of the unbelievable power of nature surrounding you. There is a relentless flow of huge amounts of water toppling over the edge, there is mist and spray everywhere obscuring any chance of seeing how far the drop is, there are people literally barging past you to get a better view or to look over an edge and of course the constant thunder of water. THIS was a Tuaca moment for sure and fortunately my flask opened, (thanks again Dave!) this time!
After that, the rest of the 2 days was a barrage of noise, butterflies, spiders, birds, strange little mammals, (Coatis apparently), heat, spray and mesmorizing sights. On more than one occasion we found ourselves on a catwalk almost under one of the 80 or so waterfalls being soaked by the mist and being battered by the wind that the falling water created. There were walls of water everywhere and always the noise in the background. We had many sights of the Devil's Throat in the background but on the Brazilian side on our second day, (yes, we have now also been to Brazil for the day), we got as close as you can and the sight, even from a distance, was just immense. It was also funny to look down at the boats on full power not making any progress against the current, looking like toy boats under a bath tap! The same boat I had taken the day before disappeared under one of the falls leaving me remembering how I had felt being battered by the water whilst on the boat!
Utterley amazingly epic 2 days and if everything else lives up to what I had imagined Iguazu to be like then you guys will get very annoyed with my blogs, (if you are not already), and the constant use of certain words!
Our last night we decided not to chance the slim possiblity of an Asado at the Hostel, (after being promised it everynight so far only for it not to happen) and we headed out for dinner. On the recommendation of our friendly barman Manuel, I tried the local speciality - Surubi, (a fish from the Iguazu River, like a catfish) since it felt the right thing to do to eat something which might of possibly been down the falls...... Bloody good but some of you will be disappointed I didn't go for the steak, (all in good time, several days in BA to come!). Then it was time for our 18 hour bus back to Buenos Aires. We timed our exit perfectly as the heavens opened in the same biblical way they had a few days previously in BA as we were literally getting on the bus.....
So - that's a bit shorter for you right?
Hope all is well back home - all seems to of gone a little quiet from everybody?
Take it easy - next update will involve more stupidly hot weather in BA, the best steak ever, far too much Tequila and preparations for Patagonia, the cold and the rain. Ooooh, I bet you can't wait.....
Ta ra for now, or hasta la vista if you would prefer. Now, where did I put my warm clothes and walking boots......?
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