congratulations to james and lynsey who had a beautiful baby boy called oliver in the early hours this morning. making me a very proud aunty for the third time. but we are very sad we can't be there to meet oliver and give both him and sam a big kiss, but send our love to all of you it was great relief to hear that both oliver and lyndsey are doing well.
thanks to everyone else for the great messages we love to hear from everyone. hope all the storms have passed ( the weather is pretty crap here too to make you all feel better!!)
charlie enjoy your birthday too!! and hope you have a lovely time in amsterdam emma and dazman and enjoy your birthday emma. ian and trudy- hope you guys enjoy the new year and work is going well.
marcus dawn and co- great to hear all is well wih the pregnancy it will come around so quick. and we can't wait to see aerona and rayne when we get back i bet they have changed so much!!
speak to you all soon. lots of love laura
Tash And Deirdre
how b u two what r u messing at not replying to ur fans its bin a month u b*****s just cause ur on holiday i be on holiday in sunny hereford cracking hey. ive just had one or two spins in ur car triser cause mine b on the blink knew u wouldn,t mind. i be taken old nat on the piss on friday going to have an all dayer after ive bin dressed up for the wedding. cin ur suits pink is definatly the colour to have i b matching u in a bloody pink dress. nat say dam right we be wearing them, plans for the hen do going well look out ireland. oh nat says u smell triser u want to wash ocasionally ur looking a bit dirty chap. only joshing with u chief. oh well we b drinking wine so talk when i be sober which might be some time love tash and nat.
Emma, Darren And Charlie
hello. thank you for our postcard. thats our second now off you two. thank you. thanks for wishing myself and charlie a happy birthday. charlie will go to jungle mania then he'll be having a party. he likes parties! darren and i are going to amsterdam again for my birthday so we are looking forward to that. i have booked a week off work for it! Yes, we will have a new year party for next time and you will be invitied!
we all liked the picture and caption on the postcard too. hope you did have that drink??!!
take care. love us. xxx
Dawn Marc And Tribe
Hi ya folks hope your well and that you had a great new year. Ours was just so unbelieveably fantastic. Of couse I'm being sarcastic. I had to work til 11 and then when I got home I watched the fireworks over newton farm. Then bed. Anyway that enough of me moaning on. I can't remember if I mentioned in my last message to you, but the baby is due on the 6/6/07 and all is going well. Aerona is fine and has insisted that we keep one of her school photos to one side for you when you get back. Rayna has become a big sisiter to a little girl called Casey. She's sooooo cute.
Anyway will log on a again soon
Love to you both
Dawn Marc and kids
Trudy And Ian Davies
Hi,just thought we would drop you a line to say "Happy New Year".
looks like you are having a wicked time in Australia,say "HI" to all over there,nice piccys by the way i love looking at what you 2 are up to.Any way speak to you soon,
hi ya hope you two have recovered from new year! i have just about we went to border oak christmas party on sat nite it was a good night. ive got my flat sorted in aber now for the next six months so you'll be able to come and see me their when you get back. it was nice to chat to you on new year was very strange here without you two. take care hope to hear from you soon.
Emma, Darren And Charlie
Hello you both. How are you? We are all fine here. Charlie had the whole of Toys R Us for christmas!!! He loved it this year. hope you had a great christmas too. Just stopping by to wish you a happy new year. We are having a party at home this year so as most people know our parties are the best!!!! love to you both.
Emma, Daz and Charlie xxx
Mum And Keith
Happy Christmas to you both, have a great time and see the new year in with style. LOVE YOU lots and lots and lots and lots and lots, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
merry christmas and a very happy new year to you all in australia, have a wonderful time. miss you lots. love you lots. mum dad and all the family. xxxxxx
Nat And Steve
happy christmas and happy new year missing you guys loads and loads!!!!!!!!!! hope you have a fantastic time and see the new year in with a bang. loads of love take care xxxx
hi chaps gald u be alrite thought u ad fallen off the end of the earth! i be alrite sending my passport off tomor when i get up. add to wait a bit. how ave u bin? i just had a fell days off cracking been pissed up for 4 days. went to the christmas do very dressed up high heels lasted about 2 hrs then fell over outside did it in style though fell backwards over a jag. managed the rest of the night with i little help from a few nurses ha ha! went out for a few the next night and was taken out for a meal on the sat by craig and it were his birthday cracking hey! oh well i be out tomor just for a few then should save a bit. miss u both lots hopefully speak to u soon ave a cracking christmas love tash.