Hey guys and dolls its been a while but I've decided to re-boot Tee Mac's travel diary! Since we spoke last it's been a enjoyable but enlightening 10 weeks.
I should have started this sooner but to be honest I've been busy so lay off with the attitude already!
Off the plane at Gatwick, I struggled my way into London with my luggage, a guitar two suitcases and a laptop bag IS more than one man should pack and try to carry on his own!
I was not yet scared of my adventure, but I a little daunted by meeting the new housemates that Katie G had organised! (much thank too KG!)
Greeted by the lovely and friendly Olivia Q, who I didn't realised even lived there! She was super nice and made me feel at home even though I felt like shy about just turning up to live somewhere having never met the people or seen the place.
In a nut shell, I would spend 28 fabulous days at 12a Havelock Rd, Wimbledon. Great area, still close enough to run amoke in the city and smaller suburban pubs! Although there was one stabbing, I'm sure he was a bad man so karma's a b****- and apparently she's armed!!
Meggs, Liv, Brendan and Lucy were brilliant enough to let me sleep on their kitchen floor whe I searched for a place. Eventually found one close by with some more Aussies and a Finish lass, great location, cheap and importantly it had a bed and everything!
I commenced work a week after landing, and have had some great schools in South West London, mostly in the county of Surrey. Hinchley Wood is my favourite, great kids, staff and we finish at 1.30pm every Friday! The kids are very similar to home, the great kids are just that, the terds and "Chavs" (bogans) are the same too! I'm sure I haven't met the worst kids or the worst schools but I would say if your not to precious you can survive working here.
Key Points:
- Snowed twice, quite amazing to see a city try function in the snow, but the place looked magical when the snow lay untouched!!
- Weekend in Manchester with Twig and Taz: great to see some familiar normal faces! We toured old trafford and snuck our and about for some volcano cocktails. A very pretty city, much more livable than London, small but grand.
-Cardiff: what can I say to put this weekend into context.
Think AFL finals fever in a small city, where the entire town and country turn up for a game of rugby then fill every bar, cafe, pub to the brim at 2pm until 5am! Massive rugby union fans, and do know how to party. Grame E hooked up ViP service at the Walkabout and that night was KAOS!!
- Foxes everywhere in London, food is cheap as long as you cook your own. The most expensive thing is eating out (even Maccas! ) so my waist line has dropped 2/3kgs,,,,
Small insight, I'll try to give more details later ..., maybe...but things happen so fast here!!
Hope your all well!
Peace out! Trav
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