Hi Elaine,
I'm a friend of Tara's but will be following your travels. Good luck on this adventure.
Wishing you fab times, loads of laughs, and lots of stuff to remember for ever.
Hi Eliane,
Just a short note to say cheerio for now. Im sure you will have loads of fun and many happy memories.
Enjoy every moment ! We are all very jealous !
Take Care and Keep in touch !
Tanya :- )
Joey :o)
well.... you should be on your way now, Miami? that's if you didn't chicken out at the last minute, which I'm sure you wouldn't have!
Just to update you I'm on my lunchbreak (you know - that 1 hour that you try and squeeze you whole life into during the working week! - what am i saying you've probably forgotten what that is already!)
A whole year of nobody telling you what to do and no time limits - other that the flights I suppose! flippin lovely! once again have a wicked time and enjoy yourself to the limits!
Write as soon as you can to let us know how your getting on! missin ya already! me :O)
Ian (Uncle)
ha Elaine can't wait to see you and your friends in calgary. got the igloo waiting. no but the weather here just great . seen the pic's showed grandad wish we were there looks as if everyone was having fun. well will keep in touch see you one day soon uncle IAN out for now xxxxxxxxxx to you and your freinds happy travelling
Well only 48 hrs to go and then you are off - up, up and away on your grand adventure, no, no, I'm not envious at all, an quite happy with my daily 'mini adventure' thanks very much!!!
Have a really wonderful time, I know you will, and remember to spend the dollars on something frivilous and non-essential.
And remember River Cafe in Princes Island Park, Calgary is flippin lovely and and didn't seem to expensive back in 2000, but it's won lots of awards now looking at the website, but, if you fancy a bit of a vaguely classy lunch/dinner or I think if they still do it breakfast in a 'you can get away with jeans as long as they're clean, it's quite rustic and not really too posh' kind of way. www.river-cafe.com if you want to have a look. And don't forget to look out for the mad cows in down town Calgary - very cool!
Will miss you - Coven meetings will not be the same, think of Vic and me in the Chamberlayne on the odd Friday night... xx
Joey :o)
This is SOOOOOOOOO Cool! I'm really jealous already... b****.. cool, it even lets you sware! only kidding, missing you already, and I'm so gonna keep in touch... take care and keep smiling :O)
Anna (The Captain!)
Well Missy I really hope we can meet up somewhen on your travels...Good luck and look after yourself...thankyou for everything, you've been a really good friend to me recently with all my problems, and I wish you all the luck in the world!
Much love, Anna x
P.S. Hows the salsa going? Grabbed anymore men on the dance floor yet?! Poor things...just finishing daning with a girl...needing a little break BUT NO Elaines there! SHE IS THE SALSA QUEEN! hahaha Watch out the booties shackers back!
P.P.S The party photos look great!!! Wish I could've been there!
Thanks for your words of Wisdom Brendon!!...i will make sure I keep my wits about me.... not sure I've got my head around the fact I will have my bag with me ALL the time yet! Sara, Soph and Anna know my trap record for loosing my belongings when out!
Sam if you in Shanghai I'll definatley come find you!! -
Thanks to you all for such as fab party(s) over the last couple of weeks ...Ive had a great time!!!...
Those of you that came to my Fancy Dress Party.....I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did... and you all made such and effort with your costumes it really did mean a lot!
Pics are on the here now so take a look - I'll add more later to!
Hey Elaine,
Great leaving party! Make sure you post all the pics up pretty soon! Will see you on the Sunday before you leave, but make sure you have a fantabulous time - hopefully see you in Shanghai too! Your Hawaiian cousin, Sam xxx
Hey gangs all here already i see, eemmmm........ words of advice.....???, well america will be a doddle, make sure you go on the rollercoaster in the sahara casino, thats quality!!, but whatch out for overweight americans (youll see plenty of them) they eat anythin and are liable to take your arm off, and lets not forget dodgy etza mexicans types who have snuck across the border, (they usually hang around on street corners and are) they are generally quite happy to releave to of your personal belongings.
No but seriously, keep everything you really need, (bank cards, money, wallet, passport), on you at all times, whether it be in a day bag or on a money belt. Everything else (clothes etc) are expendible and easily replaced these things are not. There are plenty of people out there who make there living preying on tourists, and if you let them will try and take advantage at every opportunity.
Sorry, not trying to put a negative spin, you are gonna have and awesome time, just dont let some body else have an awesome time to at your expense.