hope you get the mirror fixed raining here today love to both
Man-on-man-Oktoberfest-nipple-action? Definitely a no-no.
Keith And Deb
dad is in Spain at the moment and I am off to join him tomorrow. hope you both are having a great time and catching up with friends in Germany. our new number in Spain is0034951319124 so if you have time give us a call, if not will speak on our return. lots of love m and d xx
Awesome weather here in NooYawk dude....why bother with Europe where everything is so OLD...kidding! Jealous you're getting a wave though...
Cheers Rick
ps Sharon say's 'hi' and 'you need to shave more'.
Mark. Elayna, Nat And Nutes
Hi DK & Beth,
Nute's is at our place discovering the wonderful world of the in-ter-net. All say hello. Good to see that technology his still not embraced in the lazy days of Portgal and Spain. All say hello. Mum says to put some security on the Nad. A 'Chubb Security' sticker should do the job... in about 7 languages.
Take care (& lots of luv from Mum)
Mick, Nutes (AKA Mum), Natalie and Elayna
Trying to send pics of that beach in portugal you need to go to, but can't... damn !! what's your hotmail account ?
Big Daddy
This is the 3rd time I have tried to post a message and they don't seem to work - oh well 3rd time lucky i guess (maybe its because I'm no good at Maths?)!
Anyway just want to put in a request for some surf pics.
Cheers, BD
Hi Guys, hope all is well. Where are you now? Let us know how the trip is going and make us jealous about your weather because Glasgow is cold and wet!
Brad - update ur location u lazy @ss
Hey beth,
have a great trip and will see you sometime soon.
It's not a NAD it's a Caravan
Enjoy the trip and always take the long way, not the quickest.