This may come as a surprise. It may not. Who could say? but...let us just say, that i should have put money on that 'bet' that i would achieve my goal before you got back, because baby, I acheived my goal.
Yes. Oh yes.
I would have won that bet.
Good times.
Hope you chicks are having fun!
Kirst & Ash
I'm so jealous of you guys. Canada looks amazing and you both look like you're having a ball. Can't wait to hear the next instalment of the Amazing Advertures of the Amandas.
Bueno, bueno, bueno!
Love, Kirst
hey girlies...
your trip looks great so far...
here's my mates number in nyc... her name is snattie (nathalie)... 646 436 3663
call her and have a good nite and send all my love and take lots of photies...
stop press... we've just booked tix 4 nyc for december... we're very excited...
Slappy-Flappys Hoy...
hey chickies...
at work and working hard of course and remembered your site... fuggen unreal!!!!!!!
i haven't got my mate snatties nyc number on me but will send it via this way tomorrow... you have to meet up with her and take lots of drungen shots in bathrooms.... ask her about it...
luffs ewes and mrs ewes... get a photie of a chipmunk... gold!!
See ya's in NY. Its def. not cold here!
Mandys Mum
Hi Girls Really enjoying all the news and pics. It looks really wonderful. Take care and continue to have lots of fun lots of love from us all here.
Hey gorgeous girls!
So good to hear you travelling my gorgeous home. :)
I hope your enjoying the Rockies. seeing those pics remind me of how much I miss the scenery. :)
Make sure you do all the daggy things, like have a photo with a Mountie, kiss a moose, drink Canadian beer & roger a beaver
Take care babes & looking forward to the rest of Canada & seeing you when you get back.
Hugs & kisses to Panda for me.
Hi Slappers..
Slapper 1 = Amanda Crammon
Slapper 2 = Amanda Miller
(just in case you get confused)
How's the us of a treating you both? Photo's look cool... Actually this whole site is very cool - I think it's much easier to use than mine.. Anywho just wanted to say hi and that I have been here.. Take care. Nay
Marion Fitzpatrick
Hi you two. So your'e up and off again. Lucky you. Just had Lisa visit, it was great to see her again. Hope you guys will be home for Christmas I miss you both. Looks like your'e having a ball in America. Wish I could be there. Love the look in the jail, suits you Mandy. Well I will keep in touch. Look after each other and I will watch this page for news of your journey.
Love always Auntie Marion & Uncle Gerry XXXXX
Laurel Papworth
Good luck and safe travels, voyagers!
May the roads rise to meet you.
May the wind be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rain fall soft upon your fields
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of Her hand (Gaelic saying)
And remember - I take size 7 and 1/2 shoes (sometimes 8) when you are shoe shopping in New York. :P <3 Laurel
Hahahahahah should a gottn a face lift instead of jewelry chubby
Hi Guys Mandys Mum here, Welcome home , what a wonderful adventure you have all had and congratulations to Ash & Kirsty, maybe I'll get to meet you someday. such a romantic proposal, best wishes from our family for your future together