loving the pics - trying to imagine living in a stilt-house complex: fabulous view, but perhaps a bit rickety!! Did you get on/in any of those houses?
Keep keeping safe:)
Love, S x
Hi you two am enjoying your updates keep well love you lots Nan richardwhoops have made a boob xxxx
Brucey Bonus (Moanington)
Yo Al & Trace,
Sounds like you having a great time, although could you stop making out that China's soooo much better and more cultural than Burgess Hill - the scenery's nowhere near as good either...can't see any Lidls in your 'photos for a start!
Al...your 2nd prediction was correct...I'm now 3 days a week in Petersfield and managing our new office (ex Perkins Slade). See what you're missing? I know you'd have loved me as a manager!
Hope all going well and bring me back a panda.
By the way, who are the hot chicks with you at the bottom of the great wall?
Great pics. Very jealous. Hope you had fun in Hong Kong and were able to do some of my suggestions. Did you go for to Pizza Express?!
Hello, What is happening? Hope you are having a great time and are not missing us too much. More pics of your two please just prove one of you are still alive:)xxxxxx
Elaine Et Al
Hello my lovelies!
Sounds like you're having a lot of fun. I'm so glad it's all going well. Tracy - have you checked your email recently?
Take care and enjoy every moment
Elaine xxx
Hey there, beautiful foot soldiers.
Just trawled (is that a word? It sounds a bit negative, but I'm not sure. I'm losing my English ... ) through your pictures, and I like what I see! But may I request more of you two? You perhaps find them cheesy, but they aren't. Not very:) Plus now that techno-phobe Alan has 'discovered' the timer button (really, he didn't know? :) ) it's a must!
I'm all the more interested in seeing China myself now, which I never was before, after viewing your endearing pictures of Chinese cats! I'm so headed over there, following in your paw prints!
Trek on, be safe, post loads, see you ... one day, maybe:)
Love, Sti Nun (my Chinese name)
It all looks fantastic, keep posting the pics and stay safe. xx
Great photos guys.
Miss you both loads xx
Susan Kennard
Hello Trac and Al. Glad that you are having a lovely time, hope that you are not missing work too much! Take care and enjoy every moment and keep sending pics. Love Sue xxx
Hi what a great update. Al eating healthily what a good boy! perhaps you'll get some meat in Bejing. All well here look forward to next set of photos. take care x
Hi Tracey and Al. Good to see you're having a great time. I thought by now Al that you would have got Tracey a rickshaw !! Keep sending the Photos.