Still Smiling Whilst Covered In Bat Pooh & Having Wriggled On Our Bellies Into This Little Gap In The Cave!
Photo 19 of 69
Still smiling whilst covered in bat pooh & having wriggled on our bellies into this little gap in…
Of course you're smiling - I'd be happy too, to be able to say I'd wriggled on my tummy to be covered in bat poo - it's awesome, dudes! You won't be doing that back in Ewell! You are the envy of many folks right now :) xx
Steinunn Of course you're smiling - I'd be happy too, to be able to say I'd wriggled on my tummy to be covered in bat poo - it's awesome, dudes! You won't be doing that back in Ewell! You are the envy of many folks right now :) xx