It looks like you are having an amazing time! Have you arrived in Vietnam now? There's a photo of the back of you on the beach where you could be Dad! Ha!
The photo of you playing with the marble ball with water flowing over it made me laugh - do you remember the one they had outside McDonalds in Bracknell?
Love you lots.
Looks like you're having a fab time. Loving the photos already and can't wait to hear more about it!
L x
Lovely to see the photos. The trademark handstand was just so typical of you! Reminded me of our trip to the Sierra Nevada. Keep them coming!
Love Mum xx
Looks's the food? Love, Billie x
Wow sounds like your both having an amazing time! I'm really looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. Glad your enjoying yourselves and safe. Keep having fun x
(Now the maths makes sense!)
What you're doing it's fantastic!
All of us will follow your adventure!
By the way, the beef you had sounds like fondue bourguignon and it's safer than having it cooked behind the scene.
haha thomas is so good at maths he left two messages :) sounds like your having a really good time and making the most of it! look forward to hearing more soon xx
Hi Uncle David and Lyds,
Are you having fun?
please tell me more about your holiday!
Hi Uncle David and Lyds,
Are you having fun?
please tell me more about your holiday!
Glad you guys arrived safely! Keep us updated with your adventure xxx
Dad & Caroline (Lincoln !)
Thinking about you lots - wondering how you're getting on, really looking forward to hearing all about your travels. Enjoy and take care of each other.
Lots of love to you both xxxxxxx
Hey guys,
I hope your flight and the hostel were both ok. Have fun.