Arriving on Don Det Island we headed off for "sunset" side, being romantics we are... Though it was far too cloudy for any sunset tonight. It rained on and off for a few hours, and we headed off for lunch. To a restaurant were the guy found everything funny, e.g. L ordering 1 beer... Had a strole around and got invited by some locals to join their party, but looked far too raucous and wasnt really in the mood. Spent the rest of the day in hammocks or hangmats as the Dutch say, overlooking the Mekong and sipping away on some Beer Lao.
Recieving a text from Sanne in the morning annoucing their arrival to Don Det and if we would like to meet them at a restaurant. Seeing them again was quite a joyous occasion even though it had only been about 4ish days since we had departed ways. Eating a very salty curry we caught up and met their new friend Rich, a good lad from Carlise. Telling them there wasnt much to do other than fishing they agreed to going fishing too. Earlier on we had tried to enquire about fishing but it was impossible to find people awake or willing to take our money. One place read "All day fishing" we asked him (after waking him up) at about 11ish when we wanted to go, and he goes we leave at 4... errrm no thats not how it works! So after trapsing up and down the island we eventually found somewhere where they seemed keen. after a time a man came out and finally we had someone that spoke English, and good English at that. Agreeing a fee, he went off to get some rods. We had 5 of us and he only had 3 rods. So I asked if we could have 2 bottles of Lao Lao as a replacement, he agreed and went off and bought 2 bottles of homebrew Lao Lao (note: an illegal drink in Laos) we got into his boat and a driver hopped into the back. He looked smashed (drunk/high) maybe both. But he was happy... and our new friend Leng announced it was going to be a Lao Lao happy tour and cracked out the glass for shots. We set off doing shots of Lao Lao until the 1st bottle had gone. Leng was singing away and was a happy chatty guy. Making the fishing point, which involved plowing the boat straight into an island of weeds/ shrubbery. We unsuccessfully fished for around 30mins. Rich then asked for a swim. So they took us a wee way up stream, to a side channel where the current was weaker and water depth standable. Shorty after being there Sanne started a mud fight. This mainly involved us Vs Leng and Beng it went on for ages, with us occassionly turning on each other. With ridiculously sandy hair, ears, eyes and the boat also covered in mud we halted the fight. Beng taught us how to find river snails in the river. Having a competition to see who could get the largest/ most snails. Beng was collecting them up for a snail soup for his dinner. I can only assume he had a rather wholesome dinner as we found a decent amount. By now we had almost polished off the next bottle, but not feeling especially drunk, but it was getting increasingly hard to force down. We then had to leave as the sun was setting and we got back as darkness set in. We agreed with Leng that if we bought beers he would do us a BBQ. So we gladly accecpted as he is a true legend to the strictest of definitions.
Dashing off to shower and get beers. We were on the other side of the island, which you cant cross directly so it took a couple of hours. And as we rocked up to Lengs restaurant he was fairly merry and with two other westerners. they were 2 Belgians, one was mental with terrible skin, dodgy teeth at best and the other guy also slightly obtuse but chilled and funny. We sat around and chatted. And as promised our BBQ'ed fish came out. Amazing really tasty fresh sumptous fish. After noshing the fish up, Leng said he would get us some more "Ill pay, you my friends, no worry, I get 2 kilo" Such a lovely man, I mean we were supplying him with plentiful amounts of beer, but still this was hospitality at its best. We vaugely chatted about kayaking and Leng said he was a kayak guide so we agreed we wanted him to take us kayaking. But it had to be done through a company. So he rang the company and gave me his phone. Without really knowing what was going on, slightly drunk I spoke to "the boss" who swiftly asked to speak to our guide. He sounded a bit annoying so I said he was away and I would sing him a song. I cant remember what I sang, but he actually said OK and stayed on the phone. I eventually passed the phone to Leng. Who ended the conversation. But the re-rang again and gave the phone to L. L wasn't keen on kayaking so he was bargening for the most ridiculous prices saying "10,000 kip, talk." Was pretty amusing. This obviously went knowhere. And then Leng rang again I had a slightly more civilised chat with "the boss" but nothing was agreed. Other than we would see in the morning. Leng told he would take us fishing on the other island of Don Kon which was attached by an old Frecnh railway bridge to Don Det. the Belgian guys said they would come too, so we agreed to meet up the next day for some more fishing. Wandering backto our respective bungalows, we stopped by the only bar left open and grabbed a drink. Sanne was chatting to another Dutch girl, whom said I looked like a Dutch celebrity called Dennis Storm. He errm is famous for as far as I can tell sex education, but maybe for the more sordid parts. But im not sure, to be honest. I quite like the name, it seems fairly amusing so I think I may adopt it!
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