so, after a night of turmoil and heart ache;pain and dispear, we had checked in to a lovely backpackers , with free wifi, a bar , a nice bed and some sexy hot showers with a gap in the door where opposite , stair dwelling people could casually glimps at ones penis , and a decent location, we headed into the city for a gander of what this small city had to offer.
it want the best day , slighly over cast, not cold tho, with rays bursting through the clouds ever so oftern , sent a little tingle, warmed my cokles! walked for an hour of so, taking pictures marvelling at how every thing was shut , and the fact it was a saturday, me confused! after a time , bored of walking in the same nothingness, we stumbled across the high street . reminded me very much of any other high street, people shopping , kids scoffing McD's, little s***s running around, and the two occasional backpackers walking into book stores, finding maps of the nullabor plain, and swiftly talking pictures on their cameras as referance later to be used in emergancy if we run ouut petol. oh no , did i just let it slip that ''we'' were those backpackers, too tight to pay the $45-50 book price, ah well, sorry God, forgive me , my need and cause was just.
got hungry and decided to get a pizza, arguing with Nat that getting a smaller pizza each was more economical then buying a bigger on and splitting it , simple math, i had 32'' of pizza for $4 , im not splitting that to loos ''7 and pay an extra 50c. Heaven no!. all in fun, karma got me back tho by breaking the bracelette that nat had bough me from thiland not2 months previous, bead every where, ah well, its etter to have loved and lost , eh?
so we decided to go shopping and gather neccesarry supplies for the rout ahead, breaad , tuna, hams, you know , the usual. made up a feast and near set the kitchen on fire... What plastic handles and flames aren't a match made in heaven , tut tut!
on gaing a need for beer i satisfied it , by beer , internet access and 4 nice european girls to chat to , all convinced i should join them in a boogie woogie down at the local Discotequthe. PASS!, *** early start , need my beauty sleep. didnt work tho, woke up feeling rough as a*******s after 2 pints of beer, maybe it was all just excitment.
*** Just a bit i missed, at around 10 pm nat decided to pop out and aquire Goon , she failed and 1hour later, after fogetting her key and her mobile , being locked out thte hostel i hear a faint cry of..''Tom?''....."tom?''...... ''open the F*&^ING gate , Tom!!!!'' aparently thos cries were previous over 10 minutes, engrossed in conversation tho , it didnt register. now thats one way to piss off Nat, deprive her of her goon and leave her on top of a wheelie bin for 10 minutes in the cold. Whoops!!!
any how, we drove up to ceduna the following day, where the start of the Nullabor plane is. And ceduna , for any one who knows is a very dangrous place for Rape and murder, and the pillaging of backpackers from the native, Aborigionals! so we ddecided to drive another 20km out of town , and there we would get some rest for the night and get ready for the main drive along the worlds lonliest road to Perth...
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