Good morning sports fans! Its the long overdue return of your favourite globetrotting duo!
Firstly, a big sorry to everyone who I have not emailed. Im rubbish really, I know. We could start a Tom is rubbish forum, maybe a better way to keep up to date with you all?! But keep mailing and I promise we wil reply to you all as soon as we can!rnrnSince we left you in Vietnam we have turned from intrepid explorers to Australian layabouts! We completed a weird flight plan from Hanoi to Macau via Bangkok (!?!?!), bumped into loads of people we knew (which freaked us out!), spent 2 days in Macau (which was lovely!) and spent 3 days in Hong Kong (which was not!).
So first thing I have learned since the last time I posted is this: Hong Kong should be experienced by everyone once, especially for the city skyline at night, but Macau is a much, much nicer place. Its only an hour on the ferry so shame on everyone who passed it by!rnrnA much more detailed appraisal of the rest of SE Asia will follow. For now, im just touching base and putting to bed any fears you may have had about us being kidnapped by Vietnamese Triads!
Hopefully, this two month sabbatical will have made you guys realise just how much you miss us and love us anyway!rnrnSo what have we been doing in Oz? Chilling by the pool mainly! A lot longer than we wanted to admittedly, but I think that just goes to show how welcome and comfortable we have been made to feel by our hosts! So big love to Chris and Bev (and my best friend Morgan of course!). Thanks guys.
Oh, did I mention our trip to the SCG for Australia vs England?! Not only did we beat the barstewards for the first time all summer, but we gave them a proper good thrashing! (or tonking as the locals say!). So stitch that Ponting, you arrogant little goblin!
The good news for all you guys is that we are getting itchy feet again and we will soon be hitting the road for more fun and frolics. Watch this space for (more) regular updates.rnrnIn the mean time, you can check out our new piccies! Macau, Sydney and some more Vietnam pics. Unfortunately we do not have the Ha Long Bay pics but will add these when we can. Plus check out some more random humour and the latest adventures of everyones favourite monkey. Rumours of a monkey MySpace page are circling, keep your ears to the ground! hahaha!
So look out for journal entries on North Vietnam, Macau, Hong Kong and Tamania! Also, Hong Kong and Tasmania to follow shortly.
Love to all our friends and families.
Keep smiling,
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