Bonjour! that means hello for all you illiterate fools out there!
Here comes another installment for all those people that are still bothering to read this thing- think its about three now! ;)
anyway we arrived in the Cameron Highlands on the 17th (could have been the 16th- so don't hold me to that!) from the Perhentian Islands. Its 6000ft above sea level so plenty of rain was the order of the day. We wore long trousers, jumpers and socks for the first time in nearly two months! Anyway it made a nice change to have some 'British' weather!
We arrived in the evening and found a nice guest house a few minutes from the town. All very nice (I made sure they were showing the football before we confirmed anything!). We spent the rest of the day doing not very much because of the weather but had a nice Chinese meal and then settled in to watch- what we hoped- would be England qualifying for the next Euro Championships. Having a lovely time until it all started going wrong- oh well theres always the rugby we thought (oh hindsight!).
Anyway we went to bed with plans of a nice trip into the hills the next day. That was until we woke to the sound of- you guessed it- rainfall. At this point we picked a movie from the collection and sat in the guest house and watched it. Things hadn't improved by the time we finished so we went back to the room and had a well deserved nap- we had been up for a couple of hours by now! Anyway when we woke it had dried out a bit so had a wander and then killed some time on the internet trying to sort out travel and accommodation in fiji (the travelling magic doesn't happen easily- it takes planning, painful planning!).
We'd bought some red wine that afternoon because we said we'd meet some poeple we got chatting to when watching the footy and so ended up sitting playing cards until the wee hours drinking the wine. I'm not going to mention any names but one of us (a clue would be female) ended up having a little too much and didnt end up feeling very well! Surprising she still managed to win at pool! Amazing how the human body works! A good time had by all though!
Next day we actually dragged ourselves out of bed (literally in one persons case!) and went for a walk. We took the bus up the road and then walked a couple of km to a tea plantation in the hills. Really enjoyed the walk and had one of the best cups of tea we've had with a brilliant view of the tea plantation. We managed to blag a taxi lift (free!) down the hill to a butterfly farm. Had loads of beetles and snakes as well- Really enjoyed it- they had loads of beetles and snakes as well- there did seem to be a lot of dead butterflies though....We then walked home via a strawberry farm (we had to indulge ourselves of course) which turned out to be a 6km walk- oh well! Was glad to get back to the guest house to say the least.
That night we went for the most amazing curry- they give you a peice of banana leaf on the table and proceed to fill it with rice, poppadom, chutney, yoghurt, dahl, chicken curry, three types of vegetables. noodles, samosa and a little cake even a for desert. Mind you it was an absolute rip off- cost about 8 ringitt (one quid)....
next day we left for kl......
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