Hello!! Well, we have been on a trip to the Whitsundays, followed by a trip to Fraser Island. We then travelled Greyhound bus to Brisbane for a couple days, before catching a flight to Sydney, which is where we are now! Tommorrow we are flying to New Zealand!
The Whitsundays trip was AMAZING! there were 20 of us and 4 crew members on this gorgeous sailboat named The Samurai. We had two nights on the boat, one of which we slept on top deck under the stars =) we visited Whitehaven beach, which was absolutely stunning, and had some fun sailing times, i even got to sail, it was so much fun! the crew were really nice too, and so was everyone on the boat! i attempted a dive introduction, but the water was so cold and i had a panic attack about the breathing, so i stopped...i will definately try again in warmer seas, for sure!
We then went to Fraser Island, which was alright, but it was tom and i, rob and helen, and then 5 Irish girls, who kinda made it their trip and so we had to do whatever they wanted to do and couldnt do much for ourselves, grr! the first night we camped in the woods, and the second on the beach. i was constantly afraid of dingoes though! we only saw 1 dingo tho, from the safety of our 4x4! on the day we camped on the beach, i saw something near the water, and i went to see, and it was an injured sea bird =( i picked it up out of the water and flagged down a car and asked how close the rangers office was, and then the man got out and threw a towel over the bird and took it there for me....i dont know what happened to the bird, i hope he's okay =(. Lake Birrabean and Lake Macenzie were gorgeous!
Brisbane was alright, but kind of bland, we just went shopping lol! we were staying at a really creepy hostel, it was run by an odd couple, it felt like we were in the shining!!! meep! Flying to Sydney only took an hour and 15 mins, score! Sydney is muuuch better than Brisbane for sure! We've wandered all around, seen the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, done a bit of shopping, went to Manly, and saw The Dark Knight at the cinema, it was good! We went to the Museum of Sydney, which had two really excellent galleries, one on rockabillies in Sydney and one on the Flying Boats from when boats used to land and take off in water. we also went to the contemporary art museum, we werent too impressed, especially the taxidermry horse hanging from the ceiling, ewww gross!! I got some cute Ugg boots today that were reduced from $140 to $70, so 35 pounds, what a bargain! Really need a coat tho, it's getting colder and New Zealands gonna be freezing!!! We had a free BBq tonight, awesopme! Right well sorry it's short, Tom is yabbering away next to me!! Bye bye! xxx
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