05-01-07 Isla Del Sol The next day we got up early as we were going over to an island called isla del sol. It is supposedly the place where the Inca’s first originated. The boat was either going to the north, or the south of the island. We got the one to the south, as we were planning on staying a night there, and the south had the most hostels. It took about an hour and a half on the boat in this tiny little thing that must have been carrying at least double its capacity, but we finally made it only to be greeted by a load of 7 year olds asking to be our guides. We declined, as obviously that would have been wrong to "employ" a minor. From the port we were greeted by about 200 steps leading up the hillside. With my pack on, weighing about 53lbs, or 24kg, and also being 3800metres above sea level, made a hard ascent. By the top I was puffing and panting, but I made it....just. We got a room at the HI on the island, which I think was one of the best situated, as it has an amazing view over the lake and various islands. See the Pic if you don’t believe me! So we dropped our stuff down, and headed out to walk the island. Conveniently the island has two paths which run sort of parallel, so you can take on to the North side, then the other one back to the south. About 12km in total. The day was gorgeous also, which made the walk that bit more enjoyable. That’s one thing I have been really lucky with on this trip so far, is the weather, but I divulge. The walk took us over small peaks, through tiny island villages, and across baron fields, through farmyards with lots of pigs, and donkeys that cant "eeoorrrr" but rather do a half impression that sounds like a weasing dog, but funny none the less. We set off at about 11:30, and we were back by 5. A very pleasant and scenic day. A little tired when we returned to the hostel, we had a little rest before heading out to dinner. We had been recommended to go to this restaurant that made homemade pasta. The place was in this wood that reminded me of the Hansel and Gretel saga, but when we got there, the restaurant looks out over the lake's sunset, and is perched at the top of the hill, so a really amazing setting. We ate, then headed back. The moon was coming up over the mountain, which made for a few good photos then it was off to sleep.
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