Thanks for your message, yes I´ll be looking after her because she has got to get us to Toronto. Oh, and I will be looking after Gill too!
Hi Mum forwarded my your website, look forward to hearing about your adventures and hopefully will get to see you in the UK, will have to find that Real Ale badge for you. All the best
Val and family
Sue & Neil
Hope you have a wonderful journey and keep in touch.
All our Love
Sue & Neil
& Mum
J,j,j & A
So your nearly off, not off as in sliding down the road on your arse Dixon, look after her and see you soon.
Dave Panting
Hey you two,
Wheres that $20 you owe me? Better not skip town til that debts paid
Paula & Stuart
Have a fab journey & adventure.
Its 38 weeks to T.T. don't get lost.
Love P & S.
Hi mates,
I hope you will have a nice journey.
We are all looking forward seeing you as soon as possible.
The Griffins
Hi Gillie & Neil
Hope you have a fabulous trip. Will keep in touch with you on here.
Sue & David
Mam & Dad
Hi,now on board with blog. will develop communications as you explore. Good Luck M&D.
Hope all your photos are all as sunny and cheesey !
Sarah And Clive
Hey guys - have a fantastic adventure - we look forward to seeing what you're up to along the way. Bon voyage!! LOL,
Sarah and Clive xxx
Bilge Rat Palmy Nth
Got your e on the raty sight mate and the palmy boyze wish ya lauck mate