Hey well awhile since Ive updated as we have been so busy, Im typing on a computer with half the letters missing, so the spelling isnt going to be great lol
Well I think last time I wrote I was off to the miltary museum which was brill, had look round old battleships and tanks and that, dad you'd have been in heaven lol. It was hard going as most of it was in Chinese lol. It was all going great till i noticed that I was the only westerner there, (oh yeah i went on my own as the others were being boring) lol. The signs that I could read were talking about how the British had robbed China of all its riches and enslaved its people. As I read it I saw everyone was staring at me in disgust lol, I felt about 3 inches tall lol
That night we headed the night market, I loved it. Its a big fish market, when they say chinese eat anything they really do lol, from ostrich to snake to god knows what half the stuff was lol. I ATE SCORPION :), it was quite nice just tastes like popcorn. LOL. We had dinner in some Chinese diner in a back street, it wasnt that great but I ate as much as I could lol. After that we went out for a few drinks at the hostel, and got hammered even though we had to check out at 7.20. The chinese have this drink called rice wine, it blows your head off (Pat you'd love it) lol.
Next day feeling rough we headed for the Great Wall, thinking we were in for a gentle stroll around the Wall. Our guide had different ideas, it turned into the walk from hell, lol...10km (6 miles over the wall in 35 degree heat with 100 % humidty lol). Its so steep lol, I never thought Id make it lol, most challeging thing ive ever done but so worth it. The views were amazing, if you ever come to China and if uoy dont do it you should be deported lol. Thanks for the text Chris, Im having a great time cheers:) and no i managed not to fall off Andy lol.
We arrived at our hostel which is right next to the wall. This place can only decribed as paradise. The views were awesome looking off a decked bar (see photos). If that hostel had been anywhere else in the world it would have been 200 quid a night, as it was it was 10 pound a night.
I just cant believe how much Ive done in the pass week, time does seem to go slowly but fast here, if you know what I mean. I hardly sleep anymore and Im drinking twice as much as I was in Britain. lol. The only thing Imiss is tv, all the channels here are in chinese, not even CNN :(. So I have no idea what is happening back home lol. The group Im with are brill, all off to so many different places.
Your right Jess I havent mentioned much hehe :P Ill tell you more when I get back haha, keep you guessing :). Im meeting her again in Shanghai. Thanks for the texts, e-mails and messages on here, missing you all :)
p.s on certain locations there will be more than 1 blog, just go through the dates in the top left hand corner :)
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