Love reading your blog and seeing the photos. Looks like having an amazing time you lucky things. Enjoy!! Xxx p.s Izzy says hi and enjoying checking your daily photos and blog. She had sent message via comments but it hasn't registered so I said I would try!! My technical ability = zero. So hope this works!! Happy hols! X
Hi there, Fantastic blog and photos. Great to see what you're all up to on your exciting American adventure. Very jealous. Have fun and enjoy every minute love Debs xx
Lee-Ann Matthews-Agbodo
Hi Al i can see u guys are having a great time.
great blog Phoebe!
next time add BC!
Amy Le Tocq !! :)
Hi Jane, Allan and Phoebe, the amazing pics and videos show the FABTASTIC time ur having. I'm well jel !!!! Have a great time adventuring around America. Remember to think of me when looking up the Empire State Building :) !!! Xxx
Rachel Le Tocq
Hi Alan, Jane and Phoebs, wow what an amazing adventure you are all on !! Looks absolutely fantastic, love the photos and reading the blog. Have a great time, will keep checking the blog for updates. Enjoy !! xxx Rich, Rach and family xx
The Tucker's
Looks like you are enjoying yourselves, pics look great. Hope you continue to have a good time.
Welcome to America!!!!
Glad you are enjoying our country.
Danni Haysom
Hope your all having a great time. Photos look lovely and video of the falls! Il keep checking for updates. - don't forget my penut butter cups :-) haha. Lots of love x x
Looks like your having a great time and photos look brill. Just got back from holiday and can now catch up with you all xxxx
Photos are great following your blog. XXX
Hey Millie glad you like I miss you too!
Hi phoebe its Millie,
i hope your having a great time ps i love all you pictures so i am going to check out your blog every day .I miss you already waaaaaaaaa!
From Millie X