Clair and Lisa's News
Thailand Not Encompassed!
We headed for Koh Tao and spent 6 days becoming open water and advanced open water divers! It was like being back at school, early study sessions followed by an exam!!! We often had to remind ourselves that we were on holiday but it was worth it in the end! Our diving instructor Wajna was great! We weren't too keen on climbing over boats to get to ours and there were a few accidents! Lisa's leg looked like it had been through a war. Being dropped down the boat ladder didn't do it any good either! But under the sea we got to see a very rare Jenkins Whip tail ray and made it all worth while! We finished off with a Night dive which was one of the most amazing experiences so far, scary at times but we had each other!!! We got to see big barracudas, sting rays swimming oh and Sebastian from The Little Mermaid aka Hermit Crab!!! He reminded us a bit of ourselves his life on his back!
Next stop Koh Samui, our first night wasn't the best, really pants accomodation but we were saved by a fantastic travel agent who found us accomodation with a pool looking out on to a stunning beach, all for 4 pounds each a night! We headed to the main part of the Island, Chawaing, which was certainly an experience, we met loads of people and one of our favourite's was just like Shez and managed to lose a shoe! Met a group of Irish girls who could surely party and we ended up leaving at 5 in the morning. Feeling rough the next day we got up and went on a tour of the Island, we seen some beautiful views, a monkey show, had our fortune told and seen two very strange rocks, can you spot one of them in the photos!
Next stop our favourite place of all the beautiful islands of Phi Phi! We met Terri, Kelly & Damo on the boat over and spent most of our time with them! Went on a day trip in a long tail boat around Phi Phi Lay, the snorkelling was great we have never seen the Sea so clear. The fishes were amazing. We passed the beach where 'The Beach' was filmed, it was too crowded so we found a beach just as nice and all to ourselves on Phi Phi Don. One of the nights we went to watch Thai Boxing, it was hilarious seeing all the drunks trying to fight eachother, even the girls had a go. The Thai boxers were pretty impressive, especially Windy pants! The rest of the time was spent chilling on the beach and enjoying the buckets at the Hippies beach bar.
Final stop in Thailand, Bangkok, we treated ourselves for one last time. Some retail therapy and then we finished it off with a manicure and facial! We went back up to Kanchaburi to see the Tiger Temple, it was an amazing experience stroking real Tigers. There were lots of other animals wondering around, we also got to see some water buffalos. Next day we took a walk to the Grand Palace and Royal Temples, where we had a guided tour with Miss Jan who certainly knew her stuff, it was really beautiful. We then headed to some more Temples where the recling Budda rests, we couldn't believe how huge it was. We enjoyed our last Thai meal and went home to finish our packing! The following afternoon we hailed a taxi to the airport and half way there the driver began to fall asleep!!!! We were relieved to get there in one piece and on time for once!!! We had an amazing time in Thailand and look forward to going back one day! Hope all is well at home, missing you lots.
All our Love
Clair and Lisa xoxo
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