I felt like I was there with you my dear friends. Every picture is part of me, part of who I am and I am so happy and so proud that you were both there. The photo of you both on the steps of the Fisherman's Bastian in the var is just lovely - and your little red shoes Kimbo should have had a good work out on the cobblestones. I can't wait to hear your stories from Budapest. The railway station is where I arrive from Novi Sad, so now you know where I hang when I'm not with you! Sok szeretetel xxxxxx
Ilus I felt like I was there with you my dear friends. Every picture is part of me, part of who I am and I am so happy and so proud that you were both there. The photo of you both on the steps of the Fisherman's Bastian in the var is just lovely - and your little red shoes Kimbo should have had a good work out on the cobblestones. I can't wait to hear your stories from Budapest. The railway station is where I arrive from Novi Sad, so now you know where I hang when I'm not with you! Sok szeretetel xxxxxx