well well kids its been a while but here is the next installment. I have a Job and a place now and start work this monday. HOORAY.
Well i have a great last few weeks since my last entry. I have caught up with all my mates over here and had a great time.
i have been to a couple of festivals around the place including the one and only DARTFORD show staring Jason Donavan. Also to Whitstable for the oyster and beer festival which was my first encounter with the DARTFORD DARTS( very original) FC and the ENGLISH seaside i attempted making a pebble castle but the best i could do was a mound of stones with a little trench around it. The other was Brightlingsea which a beautiful little town once again near the ocean but at least this seafront had sand.
Also been to the tower of London which was great fun, went there with mum, Firstly HOLY CRAP THE CROWN JEWELS. now i am not a girl that cares much for a lot of bling but its hard not to get impressed when on of the many Actual crowns has something like 2500 diamonds, 200 rubies, 400 pearls and one massive saphire. But also to think that this place was around 1000 years old i mean the histroy of all these places is astounding. i mean australia and the americas werent even on the map. That these used to be torture chambers and that some of the most noutrous people in history have been held here such as Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Henry the 8th.the scandlas the lies heaps better storyline then any writer could ever come up with and its all true.
Also went to Hever castle which is the family Anne Boelyn, we watched a Josting Competition and had a race through the giant hedge maze.( i won ) But once again it was over whelming to walk the same hallways of kings past. but also through the gardens there littered some ancient greek artifacts that were over 1500 years old. John Ascot ( some rich guy who died the titanic ) bought the estate at the turn of the last century and restored it to its former glory.
Other then that i have seen a couple of west end productions and seen the sights that need to be seen around the city and then some . there is so much history its weird. I mean down in dartford town center there is a church that was built in 1042 - i know crazy bowjangles.
Have also been to a place called the Church now for people coming over, this place is a hell of a lot of fun. Normally resulting in me forgetting to go home. But its great fun with people dressed up in all sorts of outfits with drinking games and entertainment to boot. Highly recommended to all. Oh also you have to buy drink tickets to get you grog.... but they serve it to you in a plastic bag in 3s thats right you go get your drink you have to walk away with 3... now a smart person would go in a round with 2 other mates.... but where is the fun in that.
Well i move into my new place this weekend. i was suppose to move into some where else last weekend but that feel through and this has worked out heaps better any way.closer to work cheaper and all aussies. HOORAY!!!
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