Day 32: Alice Springs to Wycliffe Well
Not quite sure where to start today's blog. The day started quite normal. The kids rode their bikes on the BMX track after breakfast whilst Darren and I finished packing the van up.
We were on the road just after 9am, with a temperature of only 3 degrees, and proceeded along the Stuart highway towards Wycliffe well.
The journey took us over the tropic of Capricorn, and like true tourists we had to stop and get a photo. This was also coupled with an explanation as to what the tropic of Capricorn represents.
Along the way we needed fuel so we stopped at Barrow Creek. The petrol station/pub seems to make ends meet by selling fuel to passers by and liquor to the local Aborigines that we assume come from the nearby closed community.
We had lunch in the van there and felt moderately safe that 'wolf creek' man wouldn't get us as there was about 3 other vans doing the same as us. The local well fed dog kept coming to check on us also. Not sure if it was for our well being or our scraps!
We arrived at Wycliffe Well at about 2.30pm and the temperature by this stage was 20 degrees. Slightly more pleasant than when we left Alice Springs.
We quickly set the van up and went straight to see The Devils Marbles.
The Devils Marbles are a collection of granite and quartz rocks that have eroded to large round boulders. It is believed it was all one big rock once and there is still a lot of rock under the earth.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by a local dingo having a rest in the carpark. Had to remind the kids that it wasn't a domestic dog so don't go near it.
The boys had a ball climbing all over the rocks, Micaela was a little subdued today. She claimed to be tired, I hope she's not getting a cold.
After about an hour walking through the area we came back to the park for a look around. The park is in Big4 but isn't what you would consider to be the normal Big4 standard. It is most aptly described as a slightly above average road house. It looks like somebody had big plans for the place once, but has since realised that it is a thorough fare so decided to theme it with UFO's. The claim is that Wycliffe Well is the UFO sighting capital of Australia.
Tomorrow, if we don't get abducted by aliens, we are going to Katherine for a couple of days.
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