We had some poor internet for a few days, Carrie!! Thanks for keeping us accountable, ha ha!
Have you been slacking off you two? Went to get my weekend update only to be sadly disappointed.
Troy And Clare
Don't worry, Carrie, we will get some food photos up just for you! (Other than chip bags!) Yes, Mom, the architecture was quite unique for this area, and yes, we will have to be very organized with the photos to document where everything was!
Architecture sure is different from Asia. Beautiful you can sure see french and British influence. You had better write these places of pictures down you won't remember them all. Keep them coming.
Love to you both.
Those few photos of India are just a tease lol. What? No food photos? You wouldn’t miss an opportunity to rub salt into an open wound T-Roy??!!
Troy And Clare
Glad you are enjoying the videos, Carrie and Tony! Yes Mom, we will be in India soon, and hopefully Troy can continue his scuba adventures there.
The pictures on your blog are beautiful keep them coming.
So next leg I think is India? Should be very different from your experiences so far. Enjoy! Miss you and be safe. Oh Troy congrats on the scuba certify. Am always proud of all you do. Love Mom
Tony Mckay
Ok now that is what I'm talking about I will expect you keep the videos coming well done. Hope your travels are going well I guess a bad day travelling is better than a good day at work for some that is lol. Safe travelling love u both!
Yeeessss!! Go Pro videos! Glad to see you guys finally figured it out. They are all great. Thanks for sharing.
Videos are now up and running. Tony they are for you bro. Many more to follow.
Tony!! Nice blog commenting bro. We will try to get some video up for sure. We have to have good wifi first but when we do we will try.
Wow!!! I’m totally impressed that Tony figured out where and how to post on your blog!!