There is something wrong with the e-mail address [email protected],If you see the letter ,you'd better not write to the e-mail address,you can say something on message board.
Your Student In Tongwen School
If you see this message,please pay attention to the letter out of your door.It's from us students .It was packed in a small plastic bag with red envelope out of your door near the steps.If you don't look carefully,you may miss it.If you receive it,you can leave a message on message board.
Your Student In Tongwen School
It is the Dragon Festival Day today,so I will have one day off!In Chinese custom,people prefer to eat zongzi ,but I think zongzi is not so good to eat.How about your Dragon Festival Day?
It's not quite the same, but we have to take exams called A Levels to go to university.
Your Student In Tongwen School
Oh,I see.But won't you come back JiuJiang next week.And only 1 day off for me but 2 months off for senior 3 students.By the way,do the British students have University Entrance Exam?
I've been quite busy recently, but I'll hopefully write more soon. I leave Jiujiang on Friday, but I'll travel in China for some weeks before I go home to Britain.
Your Student In Tongwen School
You haven't change your blog for some days.Don't you have any interesting experience? Maybe the 3 days off in which the senior 3 students join the University Entrance Exam will give you some interesting experiences .Hope to find your new blog.
Your Student In Tongwen School
When will you leave for Britain,on Wed or in a month?Hope you have a good tip.
Well done! Yes, we only have one class left so I think we can chat and play games :)
Your Student In Tongwen School
Good job,I got a good grade in this exam.(Maybe it was not the best.But ,I think there may be 1 English class left.::>_<::As soon as I think that,I feel so heavyhearted and sad.(Perhaps the feelings of our classmates and all the students you teach are the same as me.Because we don't want to lose such a good foreign teacher.::>_<:: I think the next class(and maybe the last class)we can talk about some happy and unforgettable topics.
Your Student In Tongwen School
Thank you.The exam finally ends.But what makes me anxious is not really the exam itself ,instead it is surmising the result of the exam as well as the parents' enquiry.Maybe I will have another 2 uncomfortable days.