We got up bright and early and headed to the bus stop for our bus back to Kota Kinabalu and from there on a plane to KL. We managed to flag down an earlier bus and were on our way, smug as anything and now with time to kill. For the whole journey we were treated to the entire album on repeat of 'Pit Bull' (the s*** 'R&B' recording "artist") and his many 'duets' on full blast, which must have been the driver's favourite, weird. The music is awful, but the music videos are full of barely clothed women in nightclubs. Even the old ladies in headscarfs couldn't take their eyes of it.
After arriving at the bus station we collected our bags and noticed a funk in the air. On further inspection we noticed that Brett's bag had been on the floor of the luggage hold and next to it was a huge box of fish, which had spilled its juices all over his bag. Disaster!! Of course fish is the perfect produce to transport in a hot luggage compartment on a coach for a 7 hour trip!!! Jeeezzz! It stank like the drains at Lyons Seafood (from Brett's gap year factory days).
Brett squeezed $15 (the fare) out of the bus company owner somehow and we had to improvise and buy another cheap bag, transfer all his stuff (most of which also smelled of fish) in order to board our plane to KL. We arrived in KL late but managed to find a Laundromat on our street, as luck would have it. So our one and only day in KL was spent washing, washing and more washing of Brett's bag & clothes. It still slightly smells but much better! Oh, and we also set off the blue flashing police/security alarm at the laundromat because Brett banged the machine because he couldn't get the washing powder out of it. Where's the camera when you need it. Honestly, we though Jeremy Beadle was going to walk out any moment. Then we remembered he's dead.
Anyway, after the cleaning and drying and hours in the Laundromat we headed straight to the Petronas Towers for some tourist time and then we headed out for dinner. Tonight was curry night for the first time since leaving India, as KL has a big Indian contingent. Little India here does give you a pretty good flavour of what south India is like (without the rubbish in the street) in case you ever want to go. Brett nailed the biggest thali meal on the menu and reports that it was one of the best ever. It was HUGE. Fully loaded, it was back to bed for another earlish start for a travel day down to Bali. mmmm Curry. (Brett's parents hold no love for curry, where his obsession comes from is a mystery.)
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