Teva's Travels
Tsunami alert!
Well, we might finally catch some waves after all. No really, and a big thank you to those who let me know about it, glade that people out there still care.
A brief look over my photo albums may give the impression that the bulk of my time is spent sinking pints, with little regard for this beautiful wild country we are in. I won\'t deny that there have been a few nights out, we have in fact been out and about, up hills and even a little surfing. New wholesome pictures on there way........
After a great time in Wanaka (Kris is still here, yeah!) we made the drive to Queenstown for a night with Niels, walked up a mountain and took the Louge back down again. The weekend inland was great, but Barney was champing at the bit to get back in the water.
So after our first really satisfying day of surfing it came time to introduce Kristal tips to our camping styles, stopping in the beautiful but ill named Murdering Bay. Makes you wonder how it got that name, eh?
Once again darkness cast its sleepy cloud over us and we were in bed by nine, now in our very cozy three man tent. Unfortunately the rain came down all night, soaking everything but me (there are some advantages to sleeping in the middle) and once again we\'re staying in a Hostel!!
Dunedin is a lovely city, very friendly and as the layout is based on Edinburgh, street names and all, easy to get about. Defiantly on the short list for places to stay for a bit.
Talk has already turned to the end of the road trip, time really does fly when your having fun. It great to be out here, doing this with my best friends and my only regret is that there couldn\'t be more of you here.
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