And so the adventure begins. Theres no turning back now. I must admit the last few days have been tough, and the anxiety, well huge.... but i tackled our good old friend fight or flight and decided to fight it.
Im not going to lie it is a very strange feeling but one full of adventure and anticipation. The unknown is actually pretty exciting!
Everyone has been amazing and so supportive and if anything its made me realise how many amazing people I have in my life... My past week has been filled with leaving do's well wishes, phone calls far too much booze, but most of all lots of love and support.
The hardest part so far was when i waked through the gates at security. I could feel the ensuing panic, this was it I was off on my own for 4 months round South America. The good news is the feeling didn't last that long. A spot of shopping and a cider in the bridge pub was all i needed to calm the nerves.
So far everything has gone pretty smoothly. I write this as I sit on the plane on the first leg of my journey and i'm feeling pretty positive! I avoided being squashed in the middle of 2 men for 10 hours and instead have secured 2 seats all too myself, leaving me relax and enjoy the magic of disney (Frozen) and to actually put this writing malarky into action!
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