I ARRIVED!!! Finally! I am currently only 3568 miles away from home!! So after stepping off the plane, instantly realising I did not have any use for my hoodie anymore, I couldn't help but smile! After I got my rucksack, found my taxi man, I was so relieved to find out my hotel was only 10 minutes away because I just wanted to sleep!
I get to the hotel, door is opened for me, rucksack is carried for me (which is handy because for some reason it's heavier than when I left?!) and I'm finally alone in this room. So strange not having mum and dad! Then I get over it! Got changed and got myself a taxi to the Dubai Mall. WOW. It's like 5 bluewaters! Then there is the Burj Khalifia.. The worlds biggest building. It's so big it didn't even fit in my awkward selfie..! The heat is just insane, 5 minutes and you feel like you have just taken a shower outside - sexy.
After tiring myself out I went back to the hotel, had a power nap ready for my desert safari! I will never forget that night! Riding over the sand dunes in a 4x4 then stopping and literally watching the sun go down is just crazy! We then went to a campsite, had an Arabian BBQ and watched some belly dancing.. also accidentally kinda got inked. Just this one will come off unlike the others!
Now hotel, pack bag, sleep and get hyped for CHINA!
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