So it was time to go home... I needed to see my Mum and I needed a huge big hug from my family as much as they probably needed one from me!
This was how the Inception Holiday - A Holiday within a Holiday begun...
We left Medellin, Colombia on Wedenesday 14th October and flew via Panama, Los Angeles, Auckland and Melbourne before we eventually landed in Perth, Western Australia on the Saturday 17th October.
We had 20 hours to kill in L.A again so this time we braved the "subway" and headed to Hollywood Boulevard for the day. With one part of my mind already in Australia the other was just a little awestruck by Hollywood!!
I can now confidently say a few hours there was enough and I will probably never go again, but I can also say I have walked the strip, seen the stars, and pointed at the Hollywood sign all for myself.
Landing in Perth on Saturday night was unbelievable and Matt and I both were shell shocked to be home and extremely tired - it was hard to think a few days ago we were wandering around the countryside of Colombia and we were now back in little old Perth!
Our amazing friends and family welcomed us home with open arms, and we headed to our beautiful mates Sam and Annas to get some much needed sleep before heading to the Hospital to see Mum the next day!
Mum had undergone the much needed surgery on the Friday 16th September and although a very complex operation she did a great job, and her Surgery Team and Lung Specialist Team were all really happy with the outcome.
Seeing her the next day made the whole situation very real for the first time, and holding back the tears was pretty tough! There she was a shadow of how I remembered her, hooked up to oxygen so she could breathe, drains the size of garden hoses coming from her back and chest, and drugged up to her eyeballs, but at the end of the day she had done the hard part, survived and was now on the road to recovery!
The next month consisted of daily visits to Royal Perth, just sitting and keeping Mum company for at least 4 hours a day.
We also got home in time to celebrate my very special niece Makenzies 6th Birthday and her super baby sister's 1st Birthday. We got to take them to the beach, to Kings Park and to witness the first steps the super baby took!
We got to hang out with our mates and spent massive amounts of time with Tom, Karl and Dean - and the nights we spent with them allowed me to unwind from visting Mum, and as we always do, we laughed most nights til we cried.
Matt got to celebrate his 31st Birthday at home and we thank Dean again for the BBQ and the epic weekend that ensued...
We convined and booked Dean's ticket to join us on our journey and can't wait to have one of our besties with us from December til January to play with on the other side of the world!
We got to hang out with my big brother, Emma and the kids before they took off on their holiday and let us house sit their amazing home, which was technically the first time Matt and I were alone since July!!!
We got to head to Margaret River for a day trip and plan some exciting stuff for 2012!!!
We got to have dinner with my Dad and remind him that everything will be ok and he was doing a super job!
We fit alot in that short time home, but most importantly Matt and I got some well needed time with my Mum and hopefully we were able to help her feel a little better too!
Friday October 14th came around quicker than we could imagine and waving goodbye was actually a little harder this time but we said our goodbyes and jumped back on a plane to make that trip half way around the world again to continue our journey, this time starting in Peru!
Mum is doing an amazing job as I sit here and write this blog, after 7 weeks in hospital she was allowed to go home yesterday and with our hearts full of excitement accompanied with a little dose of nerves we hope she is running marathons by the time we make it back to Perth in Febuary
Now lets tick Peru off the list...
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