Looks like you're having a great time! And I'm sure it'll continue to be fun for the rest of the year :) Keep up the blogs and the photos, they're very interesting (particularly the entry about the drugged coffees :P). You keep havin a grand ole time!
I LOVE IT!! thats too funny - on and on you go about the coffee, only to find out its not the greatest coffee in the world but that you have been drugged. i always wonder if being drugged is as bad as ppl make out - but you seemed to have had quite a nice experience... so thats good news. keep the updates coming - we are thinking of you lots and love to hear news. its mission month at church so we are talking about "send me" - so we are very proud of you. please stay safe - and maybe its best if you do keep to the bigger coffee shops, it just dosent matter how cheap you can get it in the streets!! k mate, take care - hear more from you soon.
Heidi Silvera
Hey there Tayne, how is life in 'Nam? u know Alyssa was right when she said that when u get back u can literally use the phrase 'back in 'Nam' LOL. i bet ur gonna use it quite alot when u get home. ;D
so how is vietnam treating u? u met many ppl?
how is the whole job thing? is it hard to do? seeing as though its not an english speaking country...
well... i thought i would fill u in on whats happening over here... It's Pats 21st birthday next week. we are having a party for him next sat 8th. should be fun. got heaps of embarrassing stuff lined up for him hehehe.
umm..... wot else.... im not very good at remembering things too often. lol
actually i dont think u will be very interested in the other things. haha as they really have nothing to do with anything. :D
well id better be heading off now its getting pretty late.
Take care of urself tayne and we'll be talking to u laters. haha
God Bless
Sheree Zohar
Hey CApt'n Taynos how ya doin? gosh we miss ya heaps! sounds like ur a busy man ova there oh dont forget my pressie wen u get home lol jokes. $7 bucks thats real expensive lol. so wat else u been up 2 there??? take care capt'n talk soon!