HI Hun. OMG what a fantastic time you are having. You'll remember this for ever and ever. Take care with those sharks tomorrow!! See you real soon. Love from Auntie Dawn, Uncle Dave, Tas, Yas, Harry & Eddie xxxx
Nan & Grandad
HI Sweetheart. Missing you loads and loads but glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself so very much. Heard about the hot air balloon. Don't know what you'll be doing next. Mum keeps ringing to keep us all in touch. She lets us know when you have been on the phone. Heard about the 12 hour bus ride. Hope you survived. Don't forget to wave next week. Following you each day on your chart. Believe it's the shark dive tomorrow. Take a couple of loaves with you and be very careful. Love from Nan & Grandad xxxxxxx
Grandad @ Momma
Hi love, Glad you landed okay, bet you were tired. Daniel got there okay, not enough time really, but it will only upset you both again, no wonder its raining. There will be enough crying when he leaves you. Well on to South Africa, we await your next blog. Take care as allways hugs kisses and our love .
Grandad Momma. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Josie Woods
Hi love, we have left you a message on your tour blog its great, I am doing well getting around all these message boards. Glad you got sorted with new flights for Saturday, I bet you cannot wait for Daniel to come down to London to see you, even if it is only a short time. We are all missing you so take care and be careful. With hugs, kisses , and most of all , our love . Grandad ' Momma xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum, Dad, Charlotte & Gizmo.
Hi babes, hope that your lov'in it "Lov'in it i say", glad to hear that you are - with the phone calls etc. Managed to sort this blog thing out, as you can see - or else we would not be writing this now? People can't believe what your doing, as it takes some guts to do what you have planned and what you are doing (just wish i had done it when i was younger and before you say - it was a long time ago, Dad). Mum says thanks for the Mothers Days presents etc. Charlotte says Hi and she loves you. Gizmo says lick, lick and woof, woof. Dad says enjoy it and make the most of it "lucky sod". Can you send us your flight numbers etc on a text or e-mail, anyway - enjoy it 'Lov it' and make the most of what your doing. We ALL love you loads, take care - Mum, Dad, Charlotte & Giz (woof).
Grandad @ Momma
Hi love,
Hope you are okay and you are taking care of yourself. Glad you only told us about the hot air balloon after you had done it, but glad you enjoyed it. Sorry I have not blogged you before but I am at Uncle Gerards' and Aunty Andrea has shown me how to do it. There is no stopping me now!! That 's another thing I have learned so there is life in the old ones yet, Ha Ha! I was at your mum and dads last Wednesday,and Charlotte has got all your trip up and knows where you are each day. She is really excited about it. Grandad sends all his love and says take care as you are precious to all who know you but more so to him. Well with lots of hugs and kisses and most of all our love.
Grandad @ Momma xxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Andrea And Uncle Gerard
Hi honey, hope you're having an amazing time on your travels. I heard you've done a hot air balloon, the mummies, the pyramids. How was the Nile cruise? We're all looking forward to hearing from you and will keep watching this space for news. The children are counting down the days until you return on their charts...great idea! Take care anyway. We all love you xxxx Ps/ I had sent you a message earlier but it seems to have failed to register x
Nan & Grandad
Hiya Sweetheart. Glad to hear you are having such a lovely time as your mum keeps sending your texts on and updating us on your phone calls. Don't forget to bring some of that lovely sunshine home with you. Well done on going up in a balloon. You're braver than us . We've got a copy of your travel plan so are tracking where you are up to every day. Take care. Love you very much. Nan, Grandad and All at Whelley xxx
hey chickarooo.....ope ur avin a gd time and hope uve seen camels!!!haha...miss u already xxxlvya
Alison Bevan
Hey ya hunny,
Hope your enjoying yourself and its nice and hot!! missing you already and work is very quiet. Dont get too brown though. lol. or ill look like a milk bottle when you get back.
Love ya loads!! Alison
Hi Sweetheart - I'm second. Thinking of you. Take care. Enjoy. Love you very much. See you soon. Don't forget to listen for the tom toms from Tunisia on Easter Sunday! Nan & Grandad xxx
Auntie Dawn
Hey - Guess who's the first on your blog hun. I thought there'd be so many more messages before me! Just saved your "block" on Nan's PC but heaven only knows what kind of messages you'll get (if any). We are love you so much and wish you well on your travels. Take care and - most importantly - enjoy!!! xxxx