Only a quick Blog, as I have sneaked onto the Internet in a hotel lobby pretending to be a guest & Clive is back with Itchy cooking our supper…
Well - we have finally hit Africa after a wonderful drive through Spain (which is HUGE, by the way!) & a great evening in Madrid with the Haig clan. Having got up pretty early to catch the ferry to Tangier yesterday, we though that we deserved a day off today!The day off was actually for Itchy - she was given a thorough 'going over' by Clive - we have already covered our first 2000km, so she deserved a little love & attention.All well there.I did a little clothes washing & sewing (yep - sewing! Needs must & all that!).After all that exertion we decided that a 4 mile walk along the beach was in order - which is exactly what we did, followed by a snooze in the hammocks (hilarious moment ensued when Clive got tangled in his hammock & had to be rescued - sadly I couldn't get to a camera in time!)! The beach was beautiful; however we were slightly distressed to find a Club Med... proud to say that we were noisily evicted when we tried to use their beach showers!! Top Tip: all sad Club Med holiday peeps wear a wrist band!!
Anyway - back on the road tomorrow. Heading SE into the Riff mountains & then S to Fez.A few pics & hopefully a video to follow soon.
Thanks for all your comments & messages - it's great to get them & makes the world seem that little bit smaller.Hopefully the next Blog will have some more stuff in - if I am organized enough I will write it in advance!
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